Cassell EJ, Unbearable Suffering. Presented at: Workshop on Unbearable Suffering. December 14, 2007; Trippenhuis, Amsterdam. Cassell EJ. Choosing Goals for Treating Suffering. Presented at: Palliative Care Education and Practice; Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care; November 8, 2007; Boston, MA. Cassell. EJ. Hypnosis in Palliative Care. Practical Aspects of Palliative Care. Presented at: Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care; October 14, 2007; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. Keynote: Practical Aspects of Healing and Practical Aspects of Palliative Care. Presented at: Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care; October 12, 2007; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. Terminal Sedation for Refractory Symptoms. Presented at: Asia-Pacific Hospice Conference; September 28, 2007; Manila, Philippines. Cassell EJ. Diagnosing Suffering, The Andres Soriano Memorial Lecture. Presented at: Asia-Pacific Hospice Conference. September 28, 2007. Manila, Philippines. Cassell EJ. Existential Suffering. Presented at: Asia-Pacific Hospice Conference. September 27, 2007; Manila, Philippines. Cassell EJ. Caring for the Dying Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds; Moses Taylor Hospital; September 12, 2007; Scranton, PA. Cassell EJ. Master’s Class. Presented at: University of Virginia School of Medicine; May 11-13, 2007; Charlottesville, VA. Cassell EJ. Doctoring: Transition to the Third Year. Presented at: Einstein College of Medicine; April 19, 2007; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. Teaching: Program in Palliative Care Education and Practice. Presented at: Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care; April 18-24, 2007; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Virginia Santara Ethics Conference; October 26, 2006; Williamsburg, VA. Cassell EJ. Transcendence. Presented at: Virginia Santara Ethics Conference; October 26, 2006; Williamsburg, VA. Cassell EJ. Practical Aspects of Healing. Presented at: Practical Aspects of Palliative Medicine; The Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care; October 22, 2006; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. Hypnosis. Presented at: Practical Aspects of Palliative Medicine; The Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care; October 22, 2006; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. Patient Communication. Presented at: 2nd Chicago Supportive Oncology Conference; September 29, 2006; Chicago, IL. Cassell EJ., Coyle NM. & Zhukovsky DS. The Conflict between telling the truth and preserving hope. A panel discussion. Presented at: 16th International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; September 28, 2006; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Scott and White Memorial Hospital; September 18, 2006; Temple, TX. Cassell EJ. Ethics Consultation: A symposium. Presented at: Texas A & M University College of Medicine; September 18, 2006; Saledo, TX. Cassell EJ. Humanism…But is it Medicine? Presented at: University of Virginia Medical Center Hour; September 13, 2006; Charlottesville, VA. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Videoconference presentation for Mt. Sinai Hospital of Toronto; May 23, 2006; Toronto, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Patient as Text. Presented at: Medical Humanities Hour; University of Oklahoma School of Medicine; April 28, 2006; Oklahoma City, OK. Cassell EJ. Suffering, Dignity, and Demoralization. Presented at: Psychiatric Grand Rounds; University of Oklahoma School of Medicine; April 27, 2006; Oklahoma City, OK. Cassell EJ. Where Does Responsibility Come From. Presented at: Divinity School of Duke University; March 9, 2006; Chapel Hill, NC. Cassell, EJ. Suffering and Healing. Presented at: Medical Humanities Hour; School of Medicine, University of Maryland; Nov 10, 2005; Baltimore, MD. Cassell EJ. Love and Intimacy in Medicine. Presented at: Second Annual Frank M. Ryburn, Jr., MD Hospice and Palliative Medicine Symposium; Nov 5, 2005; Lubbock TX. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Healing – further thoughts. Presented at: Second Annual Frank M. Ryburn, Jr., MD Hospice and Palliative Medicine Symposium; Nov 5, 2005; Lubbock, TX. Cassell EJ. Transcendence. Presented at: Symposium on Practical Aspects of Palliative Medicine; Dana Farber Cancer Center; October 23, 2005; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Hope. Presented at: Symposium on Practical Aspects of Palliative Medicine; Dana Farber Cancer Center; Oct 23, 2005; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. Why Does Reductionism Always Win. Presented at: Lecture on receiving Lifetime Achievement Award; American Society of Humanities and Bioethics; Oct 22, 2005; Washington DC. Cassell EJ. The Schiavo Case Ethics Program. Presented at: College of Medicine, University of Illinois; October 12, 2005; Chicago, Illinois. Cassell EJ. The Clinical Method: Observation. Series of three lectures for the first year class. Presented at: Faculty of Medicine; McGill University; September, 2005; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Place of Subjectivity in Medicine. Spirituality in Patient-Centered Practice. Presented at: Ninth Annual Foglio Conference on Spirituality and Medicine; Michigan State University; September 29, 2005; East Lansing, MI. Cassell EJ. Art and Humanities in Healing. Presented at: UCLA; Feb 9, 2005; Los Angeles, CA. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: The Annual Conference of the Association of Family Medicine; March 24, 2004; Haifa, Israel. Cassell EJ. Changing Concept of the Ideal Physician. Presented at: Department of Family Medicine; Technion; March 17, 2004; Haifa, Israel. Cassell EJ. The Concept of Hope. Presented at: Faculty of Medicine; Technion; March 15, 2004; Haifa, Israel. Cassell EJ. What Does it Mean to Talk About the Whole Patient. Presented at: Medical Grand Rounds; Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center; March 5, 2004; Lebanon, NH. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Conference on The Ethics of Suffering; Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Roma; November 13-14, 2003; Rome, Italy. Cassell EJ. The Narrative of Suffering. Presented at: Conference on Narrative in Suffering; Bellagio Conference Center; October 12-15, 2003; Bellagio, Italy. Cassell EJ. White Coat Ceremony Speaker. McGill University School of Medicine; October 10, 2003; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Illness as a Personal Experience: what does that mean? Presented at: Affirming an Ethic of Care: Illness as a personal experience. Centre for Clinical Ethics; September 26, 2003; Toronto, Ontario. Cassell EJ. What Does it Mean to Say a "Whole" Person? Presented at: Hans Jonas Centennial Symposium; September 19-20, 2003; Monchengladbach, Germany. Cassell EJ. Maintaining Hope in the Face of Suffering. Presented at: Pfizer Visiting Professorship Program in Pain Medicine; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; September 12, 2003; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. Impact of Suffering on the Care of Patients with Chronic Non-cancer Related Pain. Pfizer Visiting Professorship Program in Pain Medicine. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; September 10, 2003; Boston, MA. Cassell EJ. What Does Patient-Centered Medicine Really Mean? Presented at: First Epidaurus Conference on Patient-Centered Care; National Naval Medical Center; May 23, 2003; Bethesda, MD. Cassell EJ. What Does Patient-Centered Medicine Really Mean? Presented at: NIH/NIAMS; May 22, 2003; Bethesda, MD. Cassell EJ. Suffering and Healing. Presented at: The Sandra Goldberg Lecture; Association for the Advancement of Palliative Care; May 6, 2003; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Impaired Thinking in the Very Sick. Presented at: Grand Rounds; Division of Palliative Care. Mount Sinai Hospital; February 20, 2003; New York, NY Cassel EJ. What is Pain, When is Suffering. Presented at: Israel Palliative Care Association; February 7, 2003; Dead Sea, Israel. Cassell EJ. The Illness Called Dying. Presented at: Israel Palliative Care Association; February 7, 2003; Dead Sea, Israel Cassell EJ. Diagnosing Suffering. Presented at: Israel Palliative Care Association; February 7, 2003; Dead Sea, Israel. Cassell EJ. Clinical Trials and Ethical Concerns. Presented at: NYU Downtown Hospital, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds; December 3, 2002; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Conference on Hope and Suffering, Massachusetts General Hospital; September 27, 2002; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Public Health Evidence. Presented at: Alabama Board of Nursing Conference, Evidence-Based Decisions: Transfer of Research Into Regulation; April 26, 2002; Birmingham, Ala. Cassell EJ. Ethical Considerations in Clinical Trials. Presented at: American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Downstate Scientific Meeting; March 16, 2002; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Consultation to the Program for Health Care Relationships. Presented at: Yale University School of Nursing; March 4-5, 2002; New Haven, Conn. Cassell EJ. This Patient Is Driving Me Crazy (Intensive Ethics Education Course). Presented at: Mayo Clinic; February 22, 2002; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. Doctor Help Me Die (Intensive Ethics Education Course). Presented at: Mayo Clinic; February 21, 2002; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. The Illness Called Dying. Presented at: Second Annual Joint Clinical Conference and Exposition on Hospice and Palliative Care; March 26, 2001; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Doctor-Patient Relationship (The Bayer Lecture). Yale Medical School; March 22, 2001; New Haven, Conn. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues and the Institutional Review Board. Presented at: Seventh Annual Health Ethics Conference, Responding to Pain and Suffering: A Neglected Ethic Imperative; March 17, 2001; Witchita, Kan. Cassell EJ. The National Bioethics Commission: Ethical and Policy Issues. Presented at: Seventh Annual Health Ethics Conference, Responding to Pain and Suffering: A Neglected Ethic Imperative; March 17, 2001; Witchita, Kan. Cassell EJ. Do We Live to Survive or Survive to Live? Presented at: Seventh Annual Health Ethics Conference, Responding to Pain and Suffering: A Neglected Ethic Imperative; March 16, 2001; Witchita, Kan. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics in Nepal. Presented at: The Working Group for Kathmandu University Medical School; March 12, 2001; Kathmandu, Nepal. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: 20th All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal Medical Association; February 28, 2001; Kathmandu, Nepal. Cassell EJ. How Have the Principles of Medical Ethics Evolved? Presented at: Mayo Clinic; February 14, 2001; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. The Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic; February 14, 2001; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. Impairment of Thinking in Sick Persons. Presented at: Class on Wills and Estates, Columbia Law School; January 31, 2001; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is Pain, What Is Suffering? Presented at: Canadian Institutes of Health Tricouncil Workshop on Pain and Suffering, University of British Columbia; January 25, 2001; Vancouver, BC, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Use of Hypnosis in Palliative Care. Presented at: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Palliative Care; January 11, 2001; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Clinical and Ethical Considerations in Health Care. Presented at: Calvary Centenary Ethics Seminar; December 12, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Talking With Patients. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Queen Elizabeth Hospital; December 6, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Compassion. Presented at: Palliative Council Public Forum; December 5, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Talking with Patients. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Royal Adelaide Hospital; December 5, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Issues of Hope and Prognosis. Presented at: Clinical Oncology Society of Australia; November 29, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Clinical Oncology Society of Australia; November 29, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Lessons From Prostate Cancer. Presented at: Association of Australian Prostate Oncology; November 28, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. What Is Pain, What Is Suffering? Presented at: First Annual Southeast Academic Pain Symposium, Duke Pain and Palliative Care Initiative, Duke School of Medicine; October 20, 2000; Durham, SC. Cassell EJ. What Is Palliative Care? Presented at: Grand Rounds, Bergen Pines Medical Center; September 20, 2000; Bergen Pines, NJ. Cassell EJ. If We Relieve the Symptoms, Have We Relieved Suffering? Presented at: Michigan Hospice Association; June 2, 2000; Detroit, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Michigan Hospice Association; June 2, 2000; Detroit, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Treatment of Pain. Presented at: Solutions to Common Medical Problems Seen in OB/GYN Practice, Center for Continuing Professional Education at the University of Arizona; April 16, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Patient Who doesn't Get Betterand the Treatment of Depression. Presented at: Solutions to Common Medical Problems Seen in OB/GYN Practice, Center for Continuing Professional Education at the University of Arizona; April 16, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Communicating With the Modern Woman. Presented at: Solutions to Common Medical Problems Seen in OB/GYN Practice, Center for Continuing Professional Education at the University of Arizona; April 15, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Why Primary Care? Presented at: Minnesota Academy of Family Practice; April 12, 2000; St. Paul, Minn. Cassell EJ. At the End of the Day (special lecture to the students). Presented at: University of Minnesota Medical School; April 11, 2000: St Paul Minn. Cassell EJ. The Limits of Autonomy. Presented at: Bioethics Resource Group Annual Meeting; March 30, 2000; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. The Perils of Medical Bureaucracy. Presented at: Medicine and Society Luncheon, Mecklenburg Medical Society; March 30, 2000; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. The Emergence of Subjectivity in Medicine. Presented at: University of North Carolina; March 29, 2000; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Diagnosing Suffering. Presented at: Mission St. Joseph's Hospital; March 29, 2000; Asheville, NC. Cassell EJ. Why We Need Real Doctors. Presented at: Conference on Reclaiming the Soul of Medicine, Augsburg College; March 24, 2000; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. Medicine and Religion. Presented at: Gordon T. Ford Memorial Conference, "Belief and Bioethics," University of Virginia; March 15, 2000; Charlottesville, Va. Cassell EJ. The Nature of the Doctor-Patient Relationship (The Rippel Project on the Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Treatment of Cancer). Presented at: The Hastings Center; February 18, 2000; Garrison, NY. Cassell EJ. The End of the Day (The Jared Goldstein Memorial Lecture). Presented at: Duke University School of Medicine; February 16, 2000; Chapel Hill, NC. Cassell EJ. Diagnosing and Treating Suffering. Presented at: Brookhaven Medical Center; January 27, 2000; Brookhaven, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is Palliative Care? Presented at Pain and Palliative Care Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; January 6, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Palliative Care by Primary Care Physicians. Presented at: St. Barnabas Medical Center; December 15, 1999; Livingston, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Emergence of Subjectivity in Medicine (The Merrimon Lecture). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine; November 17, 1999; Chapel Hill, NC. Cassell EJ. Improving the Quality and Value of Health Care for Workers Through Focusing on the Person. Presented to: Washington Business Group on Health; October 28, 1999; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Suffering in the Aged. Presented at: Maguire VA Medical Center; October 1, 1999; Richmond, Va. Cassell EJ. Why Do We Fail to Attend to Suffering? Presented at: Richmond Bioethics Consortium; September 30, 1999; Richmond, Va. Cassell EJ. Factors That Affect Caring by Health Professionals. Beyond Medical Care: The Frontiers of Caring. Presented at: University of Florida Health Science Center; September 27, 1999; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Physician's Role in Work Disability Management. Presented to: The Smith Group. September 22, 1999; Portland, Me. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Cloning: The Position of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Presented at: New York Bar Association, Section on Health Law; January 27, 1999; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Capacity Assessment With Sick People. Presented at: National Ethics Conference; November 15, 1998; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Meaning in Medicine. Presented at: Humanities Seminars, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; October 21, 1998; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and Its Relation to Palliative Care. Presented at: The Center for Healthcare Ethics; October 15, 1998; Cincinnati, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Importance of Narrative in Palliative Care. Presented at: The Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Care; September 30, 1998; Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Cassell EJ. Who Are We and What Do We Do? Presented at: The Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine; September 28, 1998; Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Cassell EJ. What Do We Mean by Suffering? Presented at: Conference on the Dimensions of Suffering, Flinders University of South Australia; September 25, 1998; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Impact of Palliative Care on Contemporary Medicine. Presented at: The Mary Potter Hospice; September 24, 1998; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Recognition and Management of Suffering. Presented at: University of Otago, Dunedin School of Medicine; July 23, 1998; Dunedin, NZ. Cassell EJ. The Healing Process. Presented at: Royal New Zealand College of General Practice; July 18, 1998; Queenstown, NZ. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Royal New Zealand College of General Practice; July 16, 1998; Queenstown, NZ. Cassell EJ. Recognition and Management of Suffering. Presented at: The Shallenburger Lecture, Johns Hopkins Hospital; June 16, 1998; Baltimore Md. Cassell EJ. Understanding the Nature of Suffering (Keynote Presentation). Presented at: Eighth Annual Palliative Care Conference; April 27, 1998; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Talking with Patients, Talking with Physicians. Presented at: The Humanities Series, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; February 25, 1998; Baltimore Md. Cassell EJ. The Future of Medical Education: The Power of Ideas. Presented at: David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium, Cornell University Medical College; February 4, 1998; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Disability Management and Patient Advocacy in the Managed Care Environment: Successful Health and Disability Management. Presented at: University of California, San Diego; November 7, 1997; La Jolla, Calif. Cassell EJ. What Do You Have to Know About the Person of the Patient? Presented at: Bayer Institute. October 7, 1997; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Back to the Future: Doctoring and Primary Care in the New Millennium (Frederick Womble Speas Memorial Lecture). Presented at: Davidson College; October 2, 1997; Davidson, NC. Cassell EJ. Medicine and Society. Presented at: Mecklenburg County Medical Society; October 1, 1997; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Pain Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: The Goals of Medicine Project; June 20, 1997; Naples, Italy. Cassell EJ. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Presented at: 18th Annual Health Law Teachers Conference, Seton Hall Law School; June 7, 1997; Newark, NJ. Cassell EJ. How Do We Meet Heightened Patient Expectations? Presented at: Eighth Annual Intermountain Medical Ethics Conference; May 29, 1997; Salt Lake City, Utah. Cassell EJ. Are Patient Expectations High Enough? Presented at: Eighth Annual Intermountain Medical Ethics Conference; May 29, 1997; Salt Lake City, Utah. Cassell EJ. Doctoring. Presented at: Annual Friends of the Library Meeting, Denver Medical Library; May 22, 1997; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. Remaining a Good Doctor: Ethical Issues in the 90s. Presented at: Port Huron Hospital; April 8, 1997; Port Huron, Mich. Cassell EJ, Byock I. Ethical Dilemmas in Daily Hospice Practice. Presented at: Minnesota Hospice Organization; March 7, 1997; Bloomington, Minn. Cassell EJ. Are We Relieving the Suffering of the Dying? Presented at: Fifth Annual Gentle Journey Conference, Health East Hospice Programs; March 6, 1997; Bloomington, Minn. Hadley MJ, Cassell EJ. The History of the Concept of the Unconscious. Presented at: Division 39, The American Psychological Association; February 27, 1997; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Presented at: Governor's Commission on Life and the Law; November 13, 1996; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center; November 13, 1996; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Presented at: NY Citizen's Committee on Health Care Decisions; November 7, 1996; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Future of the Doctor-Payer-Patient Relationship in Managed Care. Presented at: Congress of Clinical Societies, New York Academy of Medicine; October 7, 1996; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Revising the Clinical Method (Master Class). Presented at: 11th International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; September 9, 1996; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Suffering in Patients and Caregivers. Presented at: 18th Annual Human Values Forum Ethics Conference, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge Center; May 22, 1996; Park Ridge, Ill. Cassell EJ. Bridging the Loneliness of Spirit. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Death and Bereavement, Kings College; May 14, 1996; London, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Relief of Pain and Suffering: The Person in the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: The Goals of Medicine: Shaping New Priorities, Joseph A. Grady Memorial Ethics Conference. May 11, 1996. Cassell EJ, Gerber P. The Master Clinician. Presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine; May 3, 1996; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ, Greenberg MS, Prochazka AV. Mastery in Clinical Medicine: The Importance of Storytelling. Presented at: Annual Meeting of American College of Physicians; April 28, 1996: San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ, Cate F, Lambert B (patient), MacDonald R, Nelson L, Pentz R. Controversies in Medicine: Death and Dying. Public Television Roundtable; April 14, 1996; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. Testamentary Capacity in the Sick Patient. Presented at: New York State Bar Association Annual Meeting; January 24, 1996; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. More Thoughts on the Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Hospice and Palliative Care Programs of New York City; November 8, 1995; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: McLean Institutes and Hospice; November 3, 1995; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Hartford Hospital; November 3, 1995; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. Have We Relieved Suffering? Presented at: Eleventh Annual Symposium of the International Hospice Institute; July 15, 1995; Vancouver, BC, Canada. Cassell EJ. Contemporary Issues in Medical Ethics. Presented at: Grand Rounds, North General Hospital; April 19, 1995; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Ohio State University College of Medicine; April 5, 1995; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Ohio Hospice Organization; April 5, 1995; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in the Care of the Elderly and the Chronically Ill. Presented at: University of North Carolina at Charlotte; March 21, 1995; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Suffering in Chronic Illness. Presented at: 1995 Spring Humanities Series, Johns Hopkins University; February 8, 1995; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Distinction Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: New York State Hospice Association; February 3, 1995; Queens, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Israel Palliative Care Association and the Hospice of Tel-Hashomer Hospital; December 28, 1994; Tel Aviv, Israel. Cassell EJ. The Management of Suffering. Presented at: St. Clare's Hospital Symposium on Pain Management; November 28, 1994; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient (The Henry Ecker Lecture). Presented at: Washington Hospital Medical Center; October 26, 1994; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Cookbooks at the Bedside: Practice Guidelines. Presented at: Davidson College; October 14, 1994; Davidson, NC. Cassell EJ. Love and Intimacy in Medicine. Presented at: Fifth International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill. September 21, 1994. Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Fifth International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; September 20, 1994; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Relationship Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center; September 16, 1994; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Commencement Address. Presented at: University of Michigan Medical School; June 10, 1994; Ann Arbor, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering: Implications for Patient Care. Presented at: McGill University Department of Oncology Grand Rounds; May 18, 1994; Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Suffering. Presented at: Jewish General Hospital; May 17, 1994; Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cassell EJ. Physicians, Patients, and Medical Technology: Is Self-Control Possible? Presented at: The Hastings Center 25th Anniversary West Coast Celebration; April 16, 1994; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. The Stress of Caring for the Critically Ill. Presented at: St. Joseph Cardiac and Critical Care Conference; April 8 and 9, 1994; St. Joseph, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center; March 25, 1994; San Antonio, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Sorcerer's Broom: Medicine's Rampant Technology. Presented at: Department of Bioengineering. University of Pennsylvania; March 22, 1994; Philadelphia Pa. Cassell, EJ. Cookbooks at the Bedside: Practice Guidelines. Presented at: University of Southern California and Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics; March 11, 1994; Marina Del Ray, Calif. Cassell EJ. Educating Medical Professionals to Care for Life-Threatened and Dying Patients (Plenary Address). Presented at: The American Institute of Life-Threatening Illness and Loss; February 24, 1994; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. How Working Clinicians Define Their Goals. Presented at: The Goals of Medicine Project, The Hastings Center; December 10, 1993; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician-Patient Relationship in the 90s: Sacred Bond or Business Deal? Presented at: Ethical Issues in Managed Care, Davidson College; September 24, 1993; Davidson, NC. Cassell EJ. The Professional's Response to Pain and Suffering and End-of-Life Dilemmas. Presented at: Hammons Heart Institute, St. Johns Regional Health Center; August 27, 1993; Springfield, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Suffering. Presented at: International Conference on Healing: Beyond Suffering or Death; June 21, 1993; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Sorcerer's Broom: Medicine's Rampant Technology. Presented at: Annual Meeting on the Goals of Medicine, The Hastings Center; June 5, 1993; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Art of Healing. Presented at: International Working Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement, Kings College; May 14, 1993; London, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and Its Implications for Cancer. Presented at: Teaching Day on Cancer Pain, University of Rochester Pain Treatment Center; May 7,1993; Rochester, NY. Cassell EJ. Current Topics in Medical Ethics. Presented at: Catholic Medical Center; April 22, 1993; Jamaica, NY. Cassell EJ. Improving Patient-Physician Relationships: The Nature of Medicine and Implications of the New Realities for the Medical Profession. Presented at: Fifth Annual Canadian Medical Association Leadership Conference; February 26, 1993; Ottawa, Canada. Cassell EJ. On Being a Doctor, 1993. Presented at: St. Joseph Health System; February 19, 1993; Orange, Calif. Cassell EJ. Rethinking Advanced Directives. Presented at: St. Vincent's Medical Center; January 26, 1993; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Dollars, Sense, and Death. Presented at: Politics and the Body: A Symposium, Vanderbilt University; January 23, 1993; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Suffering. Presented at: Politics and the Body: A Symposium, Vanderbilt University; January 22, 1993; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering (The Doctors Kienle Lecture). Presented at: Penn State College of Medicine; January 11, 1993; Hershey, Pa. Cassell EJ. Love and Brutality. Presented at: University of Virginia Medical Center; December 9, 1992; Charlotesville, Va. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: University of Virginia Medical College; December 9, 1992; Charlottesville, Va. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: The First Joel Potash, MD, Lectureship, Syracuse University; December 3, 1992; Syracuse NY. Cassell EJ. Recognizing Suffering. Presented at: Consortium of the Health Care Sciences, Syracuse University; December 3, 1992; Syracuse, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Mt. Auburn Hospital; October 27, 1992; Cambridge, Mass. Cassell EJ. Searching for Solutions: A Dialogue on Disability Management and Health Care Reform (Keynote Panel). Presented at: Sixth Annual National Disability Management Conference; October 26, 1992; Arlington, Va. Cassell EJ. Talking About Choices: Critical Care Interventions for the Frail Elderly. Presented at: St. Vincent's Hospital PRIDE Conference; October 20, 1992; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: University of Kansas Medical Center; October 12, 1992: Kansas City, Kan. Cassell EJ. Pain in the Workplace (Panel ). Presented at: International Association for the Study of Pain, University of Washington; October 9, 1992; Seattle, Wash. Cassell EJ. How Medicine and Theology Learned to Converse (Panel). Presented at: The Birth of Bioethics. September 24, 1992; Seattle, Wash. Cassell EJ. Suffering, Personhood, and the Healer's Art. Presented at: 13th Forum for the Behavioral Sciences in Family Medicine, The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine; September 22, 1992; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Davidson College and The Bioethics Resource Group; September 11, 1992; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Brutality and Love. Presented at: Spirit in Health Conference, The San Diego Hospice; August 27, 1992: San Diego, Calif. Cassell EJ. Physician and Patient: The Ideal Relationship. Presented at: Center for Clinical and Research Ethics. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Divinity School; July 28, 1992; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. The Nature of SufferingPart I and Part II. Presented at: Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Divinity School; July 28, 1992; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Suffering and Community. Presented at: Symposium on Caring, Coping, and Conquering Cancer, Lutheran Hospital; July 10, 1992; LaCrosse, Wis. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds, The Gundersen Clinic and Lutheran Hospital. July 9, 1992; LaCrosse, Wis. Cassell EJ. To Choose or Refuse TreatmentThe Ethical Basis. Presented at: Saint Luke's Hospital; April 24, 1992; Kansas City, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Barnes Hospital; March 19, 1992; St. Louis, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Hospital; December 12, 1991; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Place of Aesthetics in Medicine. Presented at: Stony Brook University, School of Medicine; November 26, 1991; Stony Brook, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Riverside Methodist Hospitals; November 19, 1991; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Fourth Annual Elizabeth Bradford Memorial Lecture, The Hospice at Riverside; November 19, 1991; Columbus Ohio. Cassell EJ. Hope and Healing. Presented at: Riverside Methodist Hospitals; November 18, 1991; Columbus Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Dimension of Suffering in the Rehabilitation of the Cancer Patient. Presented at: Chicago Institute of Rehabilitation; November 8, 1991; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Decisions at the End of Life. Presented at: The Annual Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society Lecture; November 7, 1991; Kansas City, Mo. Cassell EJ. Take a Chance, Be a Pinchgraft for Medicine (The Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture). Presented at: Vanderbilt University College of Medicine; October 10, 1991; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Abuse of the ElderlyAbuse of Power. Presented at: Symposium on Elder Abuse, Northeastern Regional Medical Education Program, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center; September 27, 1991; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Connection Between Caregiver and Patient. Presented at: Victoria Order of Nurses Workshop on Palliative Care; September 18, 1991; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Human SufferingSuffering in the Community. Presented at: Victoria Order of Nurses Annual Meeting; September 17, 1990; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Hospice and Human Suffering. Presented at: International Hospice Institute; July 12, 1991; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The Language of Healing. Presented at: San Francisco Academy of Hypnosis; May 18, 1991; San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ. Suffering in the Aged. Presented at: Symposium on Geriatrics, Akron City Hospital; April 24, 1991; Akron, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Distinction Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: Karen Horney Clinic; February 21, 1991; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Place of Aesthetics in Medicine (The Friday at Four Lecture). Presented to: Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine; February 8, 1991; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Community. Presented at: The Hastings Center; December 18, 1990; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. Technology Is Not the Problem, Doctors Are (The Rouse Lecture). Presented at: Mayo Clinic. December 13, 1990; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. Suffering in the Aged. Presented at: Symposium on Ethical Issues in the Aging, St.Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Medical Center; November 30, 1990; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician Responsibility to the Hopelessly Ill Patient. Presented at: Trinity Lutheran Hospital; October 4, 1990; Kansas City, Mo. Cassell EJ. Problems of Caring for the Chronically Ill. Presented at: The Woman's Health Symposium at New York Hospital; September 24, 1990; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Medicine and the Law: Who Is in Control? Presented at: Christ Hospital and Medical Center; May 10, 1990; Oak Lawn, Ill. Cassell EJ. Suffering: Its Physical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Aspects. Presented at: Human Suffering: The Invisible Dimension of Illness, The University of Texas Health Science Center; April 29, 1990; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Clinician's Experience. Presented at: The Meyerowitz Memorial Lecture Division of Behavioral and Psychosocial Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester; April 4, 1990: Rochester, NY. Cassell EJ. Hope Is the Enemy (The Annual Philippa Harris Lecture). Presented at: Princess Margaret Cancer Hospital; March 30, 1990; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Second International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients; March 2, 1990; St. Gallen, Switzerland. Cassell EJ. Technology Is Not the Enemy (The LeCocq Lecture). Presented at: Duke University School of Medicine; February 9, 1990; Durham, NC. Cassell EJ. Limits and Meaning at the Bedside. Presented at: Symposium on Aging: Limits and Meaning, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge; November 30, 1989; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Relationship With the Dying Patient (The Ruth M. Shellens Memorial Lecture). Presented at: Calvary Hospital Palliative Care Institute; November 21, 1989; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. There Is No Problem With Technology, Only With Doctors Who Use It. Presented at: Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine; October 26, 1989; Las Vagas, Nev. Cassell EJ. Cognitive Function in the Elderly ("Witness" presentation in mock trial). Presented to: Trusts and Estates Section, New York State Bar Association; October 14, 1989; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in Critical Care. Presented at: Harris Methodist Hospital; October 13, 1989; Fort Worth, Tex. Cassell EJ. What does Medical Ethics Mean to Clinicians. Presented at: Medical Ethics Grand Rounds, Allegheny General Hospital; October 6, 1989; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. Terminating Life Support. Presented at: Grand Rounds, St. Elizabeth Hospital; September 28, 1989; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Communicating With Terminally Ill Patients and Their Families. Presented at: Roundtable of National Hospice Organization; May 20, 1989; Rockville, Md. Cassell EJ. Communicating With the Terminally Ill and Their Families. Presented at: National Hospice Organization; May 19, 1989; Rockville, Md. Cassell EJ. The Clinician's Experience. Presented at: Task Force on Experience as a Source of Bioethics, I.H. Page Center, The Cleveland Clinic. February 10-12 and April 4-9, 1989; Cleveland, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics: Theory and Practice. Presented at: Symposium on Undergraduate Medical Ethics Education, Westminster Institute; March 31, 1989; London, Canada. Cassell EJ. What do Patients Really Want: Collaboration or Paternalism. Presented at: National Health Forum. March 27, 1989; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Massachusetts Medical School; February 9, 1989; Worcester, Mass. Cassell EJ. Persons and Their Bodies. Presented at: Sarah Lawrence College; Bronxville, NY. February 1, 1989. Cassell EJ. Ethics in Medical Education. Presented at: Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; January 26, 1989; San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ. The Medical Profession and AIDS. Presented at: The Master Lecture Series, Ramapo College; November 16, 1988; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Mysterious Doctor-Patient Relationship. Presented at: Center for Bioethics; St. Joseph's Health System; November 4, 1988; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. The Mysterious Doctor-Patient Relationship. Presented at: Ninth Lorin Stephens Memorial Lecture, University of Southern California School of Medicine; November 3, 1988; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. Are Nutrition and Hydration Medical Treatments? Panel Discussion: Seventh International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; October 16, 1988; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Ethics in Everyday Life. Presented at: Seventh International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; October 15, 1988; Montreal, Canada. Harrington G, Cassell EJ. The Use of Hypnosis in the Treatment of Breast Cancer. Presented at: American Psychological Association; August 12, 1988; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Suffering Versus Pain. Panel Discussion: The Second International Congress on Cancer Pain. July 16, 1988; Rye, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is Suffering? Science and Animals: Addressing Contemporary Issues. Presented at: Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; June 22, 1988; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The History Behind the Story (Hammond Award Address). Presented at: American Medical Writers Association New York Chapter; June 8, 1988; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Commencement Address. Presented at: The School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, State University of New York at Downstate; May 26, 1988; Brooklyn, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician-Patient Communication. Presented at: 30th Annual Scientific Assembly, College of Family Physicians of Canada; May 16, 1988; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. What Is Clinical Medicine? Presented to: Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Kansas School of Medicine; May 12, 1988; Kansas City, Kan. Cassell EJ. Decisions at the End of Life (Keynote Address). Presented at: 75th Anniversary of the Hebrew Home for the Aged, Brown University School of Medicine; May 4, 1988; Providence, RI. Cassell EJ. The Abuse of the Elderly; The Abuse of Power. Presented at: New York State Annual CME Assembly; April 22, 1988; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Ethical Justification of Experiments on Higher Animals. Presented at: Symposium on the Ethics of Animal Experimentation, The Hastings Center; April 21, 1988; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician's Responsibility in the Context of Illness (Keynote Address). Presented at: Upjohn Symposium on a Physician's Social Responsibility; April 4, 1988; Kalamazoo, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Responsibilities of the HIV-Infected Physician: AIDS and the Infected Health Care Worker. Presented at: The Hastings Center; April 1, 1988; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. New Rules for Playing God. Presented at: American Medical Student Association; March 24, 1988; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The Facts of Death. Recorded for: British Broadcasting (BBC) Series Everyman: March 22, 1988. Cassell EJ. The Distinction Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: Drug Treatment of Cancer Pain in a Drug-Oriented Society: Adequate or Inadequate? MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute; March 16, 1988; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Suffering in Chronic Illness. Presented at: Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds; Roosevelt Hospital; March 2, 1988; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Treatment of Pain in Terminal Illness. Presented at: Hospice Conference, Long Island Jewish Hospital; January 27, 1988; New Hyde Park, NY. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Suffering. Presented at: National Health Council; December 1, 1987; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Pain and Disability. Presented at: American Academy of Pain Medicine; November 6, 1987; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Pain and Suffering (Keynote Address). Presented at: Palliative Care Conference 87, Palliative Care Foundation; October 19, 1987; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Cassell EJ. Do Animals Suffer? Presented at: The Hasting Center Program on Animal Suffering. July 28, 1987; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Annual Polachek Memorial Lecture on Behavioral MedicineDoctor-Patient Communication. University of Wisconsin Medical School; October 28, 1986; Milwaukee, Wis. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in Aging. Presented at: 1986 Summer Gerontology Internship Program, Cornell University Medical College; July 23, 1986; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Human Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Second Annual Hospice Care in Terminal Illness Update, sponsored by Georgetown University; July 9, l986; Airlie, Va. Cassell EJ. Quality of Life. Presented at: Zacharias Memorial Lecture, St. Mary's Hospital; May 2, 1986; Richmond, Va. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Medical Grand Rounds, St. Joseph's Hospital; April 23 1986; Milwaukee, Wis. Cassell EJ. Levels of Meaning in Doctor-Patient Communication. Presented at: Milwaukee Internist Club; April 22, 1986; Milwaukee, Wis. Cassell EJ. The Effects of Containment of Physicians' Fees on Patient Access to Medical Care: Presented at: Law-Medicine Health Care Cost Containment Symposium, Case Western Reserve University; April 12, 1986; Cleveland, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Round Table Discussion on Medical Philosophy and Ethics. Presented at: The University of Illinois at Chicago; April 8-9, 1986; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics: End-of-Life Issues. Presented at: Hillel Foundation Conference, University of Chicago, April 6, 1986; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Nature of Suffering. Presented to: First-year class, The University of Kansas School of Medicine; April 2, 1986; Kansas City, Kan. Cassell E J. (Panel Discussant). The Legacy of Karen Ann Quinlan. Conference sponsored by The American College of Physicians, Rutgers Medical School; March 26, 1986; Piscataway, NJ. Cassell EJ. Doctor-Patient Communication and the Theory of Clinical Medicine. Video Interview, Wilfrid Laurier University Telecollege Production; March 25, 1986; New York, NY. Cassell EJ (Visiting Professor). The Place of Aesthetics in Clinical Medicine. Presented at: University of Washington School of Medicine; March 2-5, 1986; Seattle, Wash. Cassell EJ. Levels of Meaning in Doctor-Patient Communication. Presented at: University of South Florida Conference on Communicating With Patients; February 13, 1986; Tampa, Fl. Cassell EJ. Issues Facing the Future of Medical Education. Presented to: Board of Directors of the National Fund for Medical Education; February 9, 1986; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Social Determinants of Illness: Dying as a Favor to Your Friends. Presented to: First-year class, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; February 5, 1986; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. Aesthetics in Medicine, Arts, and Sciences Conference; Daedalus, December 19-20, 1985; Cambridge, Mass. Cassell EJ. Hospice Care: The Art and the Science. Presented at: National Hospice Organization Annual Meeting and Educational Symposium; November 8, 1985; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Pain and Suffering. Presented at: American Pain Society Annual Meeting; October 19, 1985; Dallas, Tex. Cassell EJ. Teaching Ethics to Medical Students. Presented at: Symposium on Ethics and the Professions: An Agenda for the University and the Professional Community, Vanderbilt University; September 21, 1985; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Autonomy, Paternalism, Community. Presented to: The Hospital Captaincy, Clinical Pastoral Education, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; July 25, 1985; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Ethics in Medicine. Presented to: Surgeon's Assistant students, Cornell University Medical College; June 19, 1985; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. How to be an Intern (Commencement Address). Presented at: Medical College of Pennsylvania; May 29, 1985; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. Clinical Issues in Pain and Symptom Management. Presented at: Florida Hospice Conference; May 24, 1985; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering for Terminally Ill Patients and Families. Presented at: Florida Hospice Conference; May 24, 1985; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. Care of the Chronically Acutely Ill Cancer Patient. Presented at: Conference of the Social Service Advisory Committee, American Cancer Society, Philadelphia Division; May 7, 1985; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Place of the Humanities in Medicine. Presented at: The Institute for the Humanities; March 31, 1985; Salado, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: Biology Colloquium, Queens College; March 18, 1985; Flushing Meadows, NY. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool in Medicine. Presented at: State of the Art Lecture Series at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; March 14, 1985; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician-Patient Communication. Presented to: Family Practice Residency Program, The Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens; March 6, 1985; Jamaica, NY. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying: The Stopping of Nutrition. Presented at: General Practice Update Seminar, Metropolitan General Hospital; February 20, 1985; Pinellas Park, Fla. Cassell EJ. What Does the Quality of Life Mean? Presented at: Second Charlotte Johnson Barrett Memorial Lecture, Baylor University Medical Center; February 14, 1985; Dallas, Tex. Cassell EJ. Poverty and Medicine. Presented at: Dean's Lecture Series, Mercy College; February 11, 1985; Dobbs Ferry, NY. Cassell EJ. Integrity: Ethics Under Stress in Medicine. Presented at: Public Programs in Applied Ethics, Fairfield University; February 6, 1985; Fairfield, Conn. Cassell EJ. Dying as a Favor to Your Friends:The Social Determinants of Illness. Presented to: First-year class; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; February 6, 1985; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. "No Code": The Do Not Resuscitate Order. Presented at: Difficult Decisions in Medicine: A Seminar on Making Ethical Choices; The Staten Island Hospital; January 20, 1985; Staten Island, NY. Cassell EJ. Care of the Suffering and Dying. Presented at: Ministering to the Dying, Human Values Forum, Division of Pastoral Care of Lutheran General Hospital; January 17, 1985; Park Ridge, Ill. Cassell EJ. Care of the Suffering and Dying. Presented at: Eleventh Annual Distinguished Lecture Series in Ethics at the University of Illinois; January 16, 1985; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Suffering Patient. Presented at: Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Nassau County Medical Center; December 7, 1984; East Meadow, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician's Responsibility Toward Hopelessly Ill Patients. Presented at: Society for the Right to Die Board of Director's Dinner Meeting, Union League Club; December 5, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Social Determinants of Illness: Dying as a Favor to Your Friends. Presented to: First-year class; Cornell University Medical College; December 5, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Whose Life Is It Anyway? The Right to Die. Case presentation with discussion, sponsored by Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center; November 27, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Suffering and Thanatology: The Patient, Family, Staff, and Community. Presented at: Symposium Sponsored by the Foundation of Thanatology, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons; November 1, 1984; Columbia University, New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician-Patient Communication. Presented to: Family Practice Residents at the Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens; October 17, 1984; Jamaica, NY. Cassell EJ. What About Autonomy in the Intensive Care Unit? Presented at: Fifth Annual Colloquium on Our Health: Who Is Responsible? University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; October 13, 1984; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Fifth International Seminar on Terminal Care; October 3, 1984; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Caring for Cancer Patients. Albert Einstein Medical College; September 30, 1984; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. Health Consequences of Stress and Bereavement. Presented at: The University of Texas Health Science Center; September 19, 1984; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying. Presented at: Medical and Surgical Grand Rounds, New Britain General Hospital; June 19, 1984; New Britain, Conn. Cassell EJ. Autonomy for What? Life as a Work of Art. Presented at: 15th Anniversary Meeting on Autonomy Paternalism Community, The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, The Masters School; June 16, 1984; Dobbs Ferry, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: International Conference on Death: A Problem of Civilization, sponsored by the Societe de Thanatologie; May 17, 1984; Paris, France. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: Medical Ethics Symposium, sponsored by the Booth Memorial Medical Center; May 15, 1984; Flushing, NY. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: Medical Grand Rounds, George Washington University Hospital; May 3, 1984; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Quality of Life is a Personal Decision. Presented at: Conference on Ethics for a Categorical Institution, sponsored by the University of Texas System Cancer Center and the MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute; April 26, 1984; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of the Elderly. Presented at: First Annual Mini Symposium on Treatment Strategies in Geriatrics, sponsored by the Rockland County Department of Health and Hospitals; April 18, 1984; Pomona, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Grand Rounds at Medical College of Pennsylvania; April 12, 1984; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Alpha Omega Alpha Annual Dinner; April 11, 1984; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. Ethics in the Management of the Critically Ill Cancer Patient. Presented at: All Surgeons' Day, a symposium sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the American College of Surgeons; March 17, 1984; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Being a Doctor. Presented to: Bellevue Alumni Association; March 7, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Do Doctors Understand Suffering? Presented at: 21st Annual Conference of the London Medical Group on the Cost of Cancer, Royal College of Surgeons of England; February 25, 1984; London, England. Cassell EJ. Advanced Communication Skills: History Taking; Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Human Values in Medicine Program, Northeastern Ohio Universities, School of Medicine; February 17-18, 1984; Rootstown, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Dying as a Favor for Your Friends: The Social Determinants of Illness. Presented at: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; February 15, 1984; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ (Royal College Lecturer). Pain: The Problems of Healing and Suffering. Presented at: Conference on Pain and the Problem of Human Suffering, Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals; February 9, 1984; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Nature and Relief of Suffering. Presented at: Symposium on Human and Ethical Issues in the Surgical Care of the Patient With Life-Threatening Disease; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center; January 26, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Visiting Scholar Lecture Series presentations: The Care of the Dying; The Dying Patient; Place of the Humanities in Medicine; The Nature of the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Reason Beyond Autonomy; Power vs Magic in Medicine. Presented at: Center for Ethics, Medicine, and Public Issues, Baylor College of Medicine; December 7-8, 1983; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Medical and Ethical Issues Involved in the Treatment of the Critically Ill. Presented at: Annual Hospital Law Update Conference, sponsored by The Hospital Education and Research Fund; November 9, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Practice vs.Theory in Academic Medicine: The Conflict Between House Officers and Attending Physicians (Video Presentation for MD Report). October 21, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. How Is the Death of Doctor Clark to be Understood? Presented at: Artificial Heart Conference; October 13, 1983; Salt Lake City, Utah. Cassell EJ. Positive Approaches to Living With End-Stage Renal Disease. Presented at: Symposium sponsored by the Foundation of Thanatology; October 6, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Ethics of the Distribution of Scarce Resources. Presented at: 61st Annual Meeting of Illinois Hospital Association; September 22, 1983; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Psychosocial Aspects of Terminal Care: The Suffering of the Patient, the Family, the Staff. Presented at: Symposium on Dying and Death: The Role of the Financial and Estate Planner, Foundation of Thanatology, September 20, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: Country Practice Conference, Hungerford Hill, Hunter Valley; August 30, 1983; New South Wales, Australia. Cassell EJ. Power vs. Magic in Medicine. Presented at: Country Practice Conference, Hungerford Hill, Hunter Valley; August 28, 1983; New South Wales, Australia. Cassell EJ. Cost Benefit Analysis of Joint Replacement Surgery. Presented at: Faculty of Medicine Centenary Program, University of Sydney; August 23, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Advanced Clinical Skills for General Practitioners. Workshop series presented to: New South Wales Faculty, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; August 20, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Observing Change in Patients. Presented at: New South Wales Faculty Annual General Meeting, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; August 19, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Role of the Humanities in Medicine. Presented at: University of New South Wales Seminar on Humanities in Medicine; August 18, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Art of Healing. Presented at: Coast Hospital Reunion Symposium: Healing and Medicine; August 16, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Advanced Clinical Skills for Experienced Practitioners. Presented at: Training School, Orange Base Hospital; August 13-14, 1983; Orange, Australia. Cassell EJ. Cost Containment in Medicine: The Ethics of Rationing Health Care. Presented at: Department of Community Medicine, University of Sydney; August 12, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented to: Wollongong SubFaculty, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; August 8, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Scientific, Social, and Legal Implications of Air Pollution. Presented at: Seminar on Cost Containment in Medicine: The Ethics of Rationing Health Care, The University of Newcastle; August 4, 1983; New South Wales, Australia. Cassell EJ. Helping the Dying to Live. Workshop presentation to: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Woden Valley Hospital; July 30, 1983; Woden, Australia. Cassell EJ. Language as a Tool in Medicine. Presented to: Royal Canberra Hospital Physicians; July 29, l983; Canberra, Australia. Cassell EJ. Cost Containment in Medicine. Presented to: Royal Canberra Hospital Surgeons; July 29, 1983; Canberra, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Healing. Presented at: Royal Canberra Hospital; July 29, l983; Canberra, Australia. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in the Care of the Dying. Presented at: Workshop on Ethical Issues in the Health Professions and the Biomedical Sciences, The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, Vassar College; June 21, 1983; Poughkeepsie, NY. Cassell EJ. The Healer's Art Revisited. Presented at: Northeast Regional Conference of the Society for Health and Human Values, Northeastern University, College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions; April 22, 1983; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Cancer and Communication: Bridging the Gap. Presented to: Philadelphia Division of the American Cancer Society; March 31, 1983; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. Moral Problems in Terminal Illness (Case Presentation). Presented at: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, March 16, 1983; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. Conflict in Medicine: Theory Versus Experience in Medical Education. Presented at: Tenth Symposium on Medical Education, The New York Academy of Medicine; March 10, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Caring for the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Second Annual Medical Humanities Conference, University of Massachusetts Medical School; March 2, 1983; Worcester, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Medical Ethics and Jurisprudence Course, McGill University School of Medicine; February 10, 1983; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Physician Speaks: Words That Heal or Harm. Presented at: Clinical Colloquies, Reflections on the Art and Science of Medicine, Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine; January 19, 1983; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ (First Sister Margaret James Lecturer). The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: St. Agnes Hospital; September 27, 1982; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Ends of Medicine. Presented at: Penn State University; April 29-30, 1981; University Park, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Ends of Medicine. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; April 23-24, 1981; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Meaningful Connections. Presented at: University of Pittsburgh; April 8 -9, 1981; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. What Is the Future of Medicine? Presented at: Howard University; April 6, 1981; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics (Lecture Series). Presented at: School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University; March 30, 1981; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Nazareth College of Rochester; March 25-26, 1981; Rochester, NY. Cassell EJ. The Moral Regulation of Medicine. University of Connecticut School of Medicine; February 18, 1981; Farmington, Conn. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; February 6, 1981; Newark, NJ. Cassell EJ. How to Talk to Patients. Presented at: Arthur R. Gould Memorial Hospital; January 19, 1981; Presque Isle, Me. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: Yale University School of Medicine; December 10, 1980; New Haven, Conn. Cassell EJ, Engelhardt HT Jr. Preserving the Patient's Personhood: A Clinical Perspective on Morality in the Practice of Medicine (Moral Implications for Patient Care). Presented at: Texas University Health Sciences Center; November 7-8, 1980; Lubbock, Tex. Cassell EJ. How to Talk With the Patient Having Cancer: Information as a Therapeutic Tool in the Care of Cancer Patients. Presented to: American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists; October 25-26, 1980; Dallas, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presentation for: NBC TV's "The First Estate"; May 22, 1980; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics. Annual Alpha Omega Alpha Guest Lecture, Washington University Medical Center; May 8, 1980; St. Louis, Mo. Cassell EJ. Issues in Management of the Terminally Ill Patient. Presented to: Primary care physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and social workers, Manhattan Health Plan; May 6, 1980; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Commentary on Homosexuality for Closure Project on Scientific Disputes. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; April 25, 1980; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ (Visiting Lecturer). University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine and Department of History and Philosophy of Science; April 9-10, 1980; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Refusal to Sterilize Was Not Paternalistic. Presented at: Fifth Conference on Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine, University of Michigan; March 29, 1980; Ann Arbor, Mich. Cassell EJ. Psychosocial Aspects in the Care of Cancer Patients. Presented at: North Central Regional Medical Education Center, University of Minnesota; March 19-21,1980. Cassell EJ. Talking with Patients. Presented at: Advances in Medicine Series Meeting, Bergen Pines County Hospital; March 12, 1980; Paramus, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Notion of Person in Medicine. Presented at: Grand Rounds of The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Westchester Division; February 29, 1980; White Plains, NY. Cassell EJ. Workshop presentation at the Conference on Preparing for Work: What Ought to be Learned? Sponsored by the Bard Center, Bard College; February 13, 1980; Annendale on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Illness vs. Disease. Presented at: 1980 Medical Students Symposium on the Medical Mosaic Health Care in a Changing World, sponsored by McMaster University Medical Student Society; January 18-19, 1980; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Consultation on the Hospice Movement. Presented at: Arthur Vining Davis Foundation; January 10-11, 1980; Miami, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Uses of Subjective Information in Clinical Patient Care. Presented at: EVISTNSF Conference on Changing Values in Medicine, sponsored by Cornell University Medical College; November 11-13, 1979; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Research in Progress on the Topic of Doctor-Patient Communication. Presented to: Department of Medicine, The New Hospital Cornell Medical Center; October 1979; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. Participant in the Ethics of Clinical Investigation Symposium sponsored by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; October 26, 1979; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Faith and Agnosticism in the Care of Terminal Patients. Presented at: Symposium on Care of the Terminally Ill, Presbyterian Hospital Center; October 13, 1979; Albuquerque, NM. Cassell EJ. What Are the Functions of Information in a Patient Care Setting? Presented at: Symposium on Care of the Terminally Ill, Presbyterian Hospital Center; October 13, 1979; Albuquerque, NM. Cassell EJ. The Meaning(s) of Health and Disease. Presented at: Williams College; July 11, 1979; Williamstown, Mass. Cassell EJ. Commentary on Laetrile. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; June 15-16, 1979; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Conference on Communication and Compliance in a Hospital Setting, West Virginia University; April 20-21, 1979; Morgantown, WV. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: University of Massachusetts Medical School; April 17, l979; Worcester, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Subjective in Medicine. Presented to: First-year class on Patient Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; April 4, 1979; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Confidentiality. Presented at: Conference on Ethics and Clinical Diagnosis, the Ninth Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine; March 21-23, 1979; Madrid, Spain. Cassell EJ. Convocation Address. Delivered to: Graduating Class of the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine; March 9, 1979; East Lansing, Mich. Cassell EJ. Middle Age and the Impact of Cancer. Presented at: 1979 Winter Symposium on Patients Distress: The Critical Challenge, Louisiana State University School of Medicine; March 2-3, 1979; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. Reactions to Physical Illness and Hospitalization. Presented at: The Ochsner Clinic; March 2, 1979; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ (Panel Member) Better Health Through Changing Lifestyles? Presented at: Symposium on Health Care, Cornell University; February 10, 1979; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. Presentation for Seminar on Medicine and Philosophy at Ramapo College; January 1979; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Function of Medicine: Physician Responsibility. Presented at: Frontiers of Medicine Conference on Decision Making in Critical Ilness: Patient Choice and Physician Responsibility, The University of Chicago, The Pritzker School of Medicine; January 10, 1979; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Suffering, Society, and the Medical Profession. Presented at: Morning Master Lectures, Ramapo College; December 6, 1978; Mahwah, NJ. Cassell EJ. Lies, Placebos, and Paternalism. Presented at: Medical Ethics Series, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; November 28, 1978; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Subjective in Medicine. Presented at: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; November 15, 1978; Princeton, NJ. Cassell EJ. Telling the Truth to the Dying Patient. Presented at: General Medical Conference, Lenox Hill Hospital; November 15, 1978; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Communicating Diagnosis and Prognosis With the Patient and Family. Presented at: Second International Seminar on Terminal Care; November 2-4, 1978; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. What Is the Future of Medicine? Presented at: Distinguished Visiting Medical Scholars Program at the Institute of Religion and Baylor College of Medicine; October 31-November 1, 1978; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Notion of Person in Medicine. Presented at: Fall Faculty Seminars, Michigan State University Medical Humanities Program; October 17, 1978; East Lansing, Mich. Cassell EJ. Subjectivity in Medicine. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; September 27, 1978; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ (Panel Member). Legal Competency of the Sick. Presented at: Appellate Judges' Seminar, American Bar Association; May 30-June 1, 1978; Williamsburg, Va. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: Grand Rounds to the Medical Staff of the Nassau County Medical Center; April 13, 1978; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Ethics and University Research. Presented at: Community Symposium, Cornell University; February 11, 1978; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. The Doctor-Patient Relationship. Presented to: Science Writers Association; January 31, 1978; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Illness and the Family. Presented at: 23rd Annual Conference, National Council on Philanthropy; December 8, 1977; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented to: Medical Staff of the Hennepin County Medical Center; November 18, 1977; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. What Is the Function of Medicine? Presented to: Thanatology Committee, Hennepin County Medical Center; November 17, 1977; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. Science and Medicine. Presented at: Symposium on Values and Morals in Modern Life, University of Manitoba; October 18, 1977; Winnipeg, Canada. Cassell EJ. Doctor-Patient Relationships in the Care of the Dying. Presented at: Symposium on Stress, Cancer, and Death at the International Institute of Stress; August 1977; Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cassell EJ. Moral Problems in Day-to-Day Medical Practice. Presented to: Medical Staff at St. Barnabas Hospital; July 13, 1977; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: Frederick Cancer Research Center; April 1977; Frederick, Md. Cassell EJ. The Subjective in Clinical Judgment. Presented at: Fifth Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, University of California; April 1977; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. Psychiatry: What Do You Want from Medicine? Presented at: Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Northern Professors of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; April 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ (Discussion Leader). The Allocation of Life Support Systems. Presented at: Conference on Institutional Practices and Medical Ethics, Mount Sinai Medical School and Medical Center; March 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Euthanasia. Presented to: Greater New York Medical Record Association, Inc, at the New York Academy of Medicine; March 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Healer's Art. Presented at: Seminar on Ethical, Moral, Legal Questions in Health Care, Mercy Consulting and Recourse Center, The Sisters of Mercy; March 1977; Anaheim, Calif. Cassell EJ. In Vitro Fertilization. Presented to: Journal Club, Department of Public Health, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; March 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is the Function of Medicine? Presented at: American Academy for the Advancement of Science; February 24-25, 1977; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. The Place of the "I" in Ethical Decision Making. Presented at: The Foundation of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science, The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; February 18-20, 1977; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is the Function of Medicine? Presented at: University of California, Irvine College of Medicine; January 24-26, 1977; Irvine, Calif. Cassell EJ. Fact and Value. Presented at: Annual Meeting of The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; January 7-8, 1977; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Causality and Health: The Multiplex Variable. Presented at: Hunter College; November 24 and 30, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Patient's Autonomy in Medicine. Presented at: King's College; November 17, 1976; Wilkes Barre, Pa. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: Bergen Pines Hospital; November 3, 1976; Paramus, NJ. Cassell EJ. What Brought You to the Hospital? An Analysis of Intent in Language, New Ways of Analyzing Variations in English. Presented at: Georgetown University; October 29, 1976; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Language in Medicine. Presented at: Aspen Biosciences Seminar; October 6-8, 1976; Aspen, Colo. Cassell EJ. Interviewing the Hypertensive Patient. Presented at: LyingIn Hosptal; September 28, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Aspects of Euthanasia. Presented at: Comite International de la Conference Mondiale sur la Mort of the Societe Thanatologie; September 28, 1976; Versailles, France. Cassell EJ. Hypertension as a Disease Model. Presented to: National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects; June 23-26, 1976; Albuquerque, NM. Cassell EJ. The Patient's Right to Refuse Treatment. Presented at: New York Academy of Medicine; June 9, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Caring for Cancer Patients. Presented at: Albert Einstein Medical College; June 8, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Error in Medicine. Presented at: Foundation of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science of The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; June 1976; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented at: New York Academy of Medicine; June 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Death and Dying. Presented at: College of Community and Allied Health Professionals; April 1976; Memphis, Tenn. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented at: 17th Annual Columbia Law Symposium. April 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented at: Northeast Undergraduate Conference on Bioethics; April 1976; Amherst, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented to: Committee on Medicine and Law of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York; April 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Paternalistic Behavior in Medical Care. Presented at: Seventh Annual Meeting of the Philosophical Association; April 1976; Amherst, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Uses and Function of Language in Medicine. Presented at: Cornell University Program on Science, Technology, and Society; March 1976; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: University of Connecticut Health Center; March 1976; Farmington, Conn. Cassell EJ. The Uses and Function of Language in Medicine. Presented to: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; January 1976; Princeton, NJ. Cassell EJ. Medical Aspects of Letting Die. Presented at: Symposium sponsored by the Medical Education Committee and the Pastoral Care Department of Mercy Hospital; December 1975; Rockville Center, NY. Cassell EJ. Moral Thought in Clinical Practice. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; June 20, 1975; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician's View of Exercise Stress Testing. Presented at: Regional Symposium on Exercise Stress Testing and Prescription; East Stroudsburg State College, Human Performance Laboratory; May 16, 1975; East Stroudsburg, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Multiplex Variable. Ecology of Health Course Lecture, Hunter College; April 23, 1975; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Disease as an "It." Presented at: 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology; March 19, 1975; The Netherlands. Cassell EJ. Death as a Mirror of Medicine. Presented at: Loyola University; March 13, 1975; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Social Environment of Science. Presented at: Master Lecture Series, Ramapo College; March 12, 1975; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: Ramapo College; March 12, 1975; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. Moral Thought in Clinical Practice. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; February 22, 1975; Hastings, NY. Cassell EJ. Dying and Technological Society. Presented at: Center for Health Sciences, University of Tennessee; January 21, 1975; Memphis, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Death and Dying. Presented at: Hastings High School; December 11, 1974; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Thought in Medicine. Presented at: University of Kansas Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics; November 8, 1974; Topeka, Kan. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: 1974-1975 Series of the President's Seminars at the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; October 30, 1974; Newark, NJ. Cassell EJ. Ethical Considerations in the Care of the Critically Ill. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists; October 12, 1974; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Making and Escaping Moral Decisions. Presented at: Fourth Annual Medical Lecture Series, Loyola University College of Medicine; October 8, 1974; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Forum on Air and Noise Pollution. Presented at: Department of Air Resources, City of New York; September 28, 1974; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Nondisease Criteria of Response in Treatment of Cancer Patients. Presented at: Symposium on Criteria of Response to Therapy, Cancer Clinical Investigation Review Committee, National Institutes of Health; January 24, 1972; Atlanta, Ga. Cassell EJ. On Educational Changes for the Field of Aging. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Gerontological Association; October 30, 1971; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution and Health: A New Look at a Complex Problem. Presented at: Seventh Annual Symposium on Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease, Action for Clean Air; October 28, 1971; Brooklyn, NY. Cassell EJ (Panel Member). Choices on Our Conscience: How Should We Care? Symposium at Kennedy Foundation for Mental Retardation; October 16, 1971; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ, Lebowitz M, McCarroll JR. The Relationship Between Air Pollution, Weather, and Symptoms in an Urban Population: Clarification of Conflicting Findings. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; October 12, 1971; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. The Process of Social Change: Environmental Movements. Presented at: Wayne State School of Medicine Alumni Association; May 12, 1971; Detroit, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Environment as a Social Cause. Presented at: Ohio State Medical Association; May 11, 1971; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution and Human Health. Presented at: North Dakota State Medical Association; April 30, 1971; Bismark, ND. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution and Health: A New Look at a Complex Problem. Presented at: Connecticut Thoracic Society; April 21, 1971; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. Historical Perspectives of Health Care Systems. Presented at: New York Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association; March 30, 1971; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. On Death and Dying. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; January 1971; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ et al. Health and the Urban Environment IX: The Concept of the Multiplex Variable. Presented at: 98th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; October 27, 1970; Houston; Tex. Cassell EJ. The Environment as a Social Cause: 1845 and 1970. Presented at: Air Pollution Medical Research Conference; October 5, 1970; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution: Effects on Animals and Man. Presented at: Manhattanville College; April 22, 1970; Purchase, NY. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution: Effects on Animals and Man. Presented at: Westchester Community College; April 22, 1970; White Plains, NY. Cassell EJ. The Evolving Picture of the Human Response to Air Pollution. Presented at: Rice University; March 30, 1970; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Health Effects of Air Pollution. Presented at: Westchester Branch of RESA (Scientific Research Society of America); March 10, 1970; Westchester, NY. Cassell EJ. Effects of Weather and Air Pollution on an Urban Population. Presented at: Medical Society of the State of New York Convention; February 8, 1970; New York, NY. Cassell EJ (Panel Member). The Choking Air. Presented at: Washington Square Methodist Church; December 1969; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Health: A Right or a Privilege? Presented at: Connecticut Clean Air Conference; November 20, 1969; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. Ambient Air Standards. Presented at: Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association; June 23, 1969; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Health Effects of Air Pollution. Research Project, Channel 4, National Broadcasting Company; May 11, l969; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Effect of Air Pollution on the Burden of Illness in a New York Population. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences; April 21, 1969; Anaheim, Calif. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution: The Relationship Between Health Effects and Control Philosophy. Presented at: First Annual International GeoScience Electronics Symposium; April 17, 1969; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ, Mountain I, Thompson D, Lebowitz M, Wolter D, McCarroll J. Differences Between the Response to Air Pollution of Adults and Children in a Normal Urban Population. Presented at: Ninth Annual Air Pollution Medical Research Conference; July 22, 1968; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. The Relationship Between the Biology of Air Pollution and Air Quality Standards: Are We Ready for Ambient Air Quality Standards? Presented at: Annual Meeting of Air Pollution Control Association; June 24, 1968; St. Paul, Minn. Cassell EJ, Lebowitz M, Thompson D, Wolter D, McCarroll J. The Burden of Minor Illness in a Healthy Population. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research; May 10, 1968; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The Right to a Clean Environment. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Tuberculosis and Health Society; April 26, 1968; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Sanitary Reawakening. Presented at: Meeting of the Massachusetts Tuberculosis and Health Association; November 30, 1967; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Implications of Air Pollution for Voluntary Organizations. Presented at: National Tuberculosis Association Session; January 27, 1967; New York, NY. Cassell EJ, Mountain JD, Diamond JR, Wolter DW, McCarroll JR. Prospect a Link With Your Data. Presented at: 94th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Assoication; November 3, 1966; San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ. Epidemiology of Air Pollution in Urban Populatations. Presented at: Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease: A Progress Report, St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center of New York; October 28, l966; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Meaning for Control Legislation of Research on the Effects of Air Pollution on Urban Population. Presented at: Summer Conference on the Demands of Pollution Control Legislation, Fairleigh Dickinson University; August 22, 1966; Madison, NJ. PRESENTATIONS Cassell EJ. Clinical Trials and Ethical Concerns. Presented at: NYU Downtown Hospital, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds; December 3, 2002; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Conference on Hope and Suffering, Massachusetts General Hospital; September 27, 2002; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Public Health Evidence. Presented at: Alabama Board of Nursing Conference, Evidence-Based Decisions: Transfer of Research Into Regulation; April 26, 2002; Birmingham, Ala. Cassell EJ. Ethical Considerations in Clinical Trials. Presented at: American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Downstate Scientific Meeting; March 16, 2002; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Consultation to the Program for Health Care Relationships. Presented at: Yale University School of Nursing; March 4-5, 2002; New Haven, Conn. Cassell EJ. This Patient Is Driving Me Crazy (Intensive Ethics Education Course). Presented at: Mayo Clinic; February 22, 2002; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. Doctor Help Me Die (Intensive Ethics Education Course). Presented at: Mayo Clinic; February 21, 2002; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. The Illness Called Dying. Presented at: Second Annual Joint Clinical Conference and Exposition on Hospice and Palliative Care; March 26, 2001; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Doctor-Patient Relationship (The Bayer Lecture). Presented at: Yale Medical School; March 22, 2001; New Haven, Conn. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues and the Institutional Review Board. Presented at: Seventh Annual Health Ethics Conference, Responding to Pain and Suffering: A Neglected Ethic Imperative; March 17, 2001; Witchita, Kan. Cassell EJ. The National Bioethics Commission: Ethical and Policy Issues. Presented at: Seventh Annual Health Ethics Conference, Responding to Pain and Suffering: A Neglected Ethic Imperative; March 17, 2001; Witchita, Kan. Cassell EJ. Do We Live to Survive or Survive to Live? Presented at: Seventh Annual Health Ethics Conference, Responding to Pain and Suffering: A Neglected Ethic Imperative; March 16, 2001; Witchita, Kan. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics in Nepal. Presented at: The Working Group for Kathmandu University Medical School; March 12, 2001; Kathmandu, Nepal. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: 20th All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal Medical Association; February 28, 2001; Kathmandu, Nepal. Cassell EJ. How Have the Principles of Medical Ethics Evolved? Presented at: Mayo Clinic; February 14, 2001; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. The Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic; February 14, 2001; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. Impairment of Thinking in Sick Persons. Presented at: Class on Wills and Estates, Columbia Law School; January 31, 2001; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is Pain, What Is Suffering? Presented at: Canadian Institutes of Health Tricouncil Workshop on Pain and Suffering, University of British Columbia; January 25, 2001; Vancouver, BC, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Use of Hypnosis in Palliative Care. Presented at: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Palliative Care; January 11, 2001; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Clinical and Ethical Considerations in Health Care. Presented at: Calvary Centenary Ethics Seminar; December 12, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Talking With Patients. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Queen Elizabeth Hospital; December 6, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Compassion. Presented at: Palliative Council Public Forum; December 5, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Talking with Patients. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Royal Adelaide Hospital; December 5, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Issues of Hope and Prognosis. Presented at: Clinical Oncology Society of Australia; November 29, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Clinical Oncology Society of Australia; November 29, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. Lessons From Prostate Cancer. Presented at: Association of Australian Prostate Oncology; November 28, 2000; Adelaide, Australia. Cassell EJ. What Is Pain, What Is Suffering? Presented at: First Annual Southeast Academic Pain Symposium, Duke Pain and Palliative Care Initiative, Duke School of Medicine; October 20, 2000; Durham, SC. Cassell EJ. What Is Palliative Care? Presented at: Grand Rounds, Bergen Pines Medical Center; September 20, 2000; Bergen Pines, NJ. Cassell EJ. If We Relieve the Symptoms, Have We Relieved Suffering? Presented at: Michigan Hospice Association; June 2, 2000; Detroit, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Michigan Hospice Association; June 2, 2000; Detroit, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Treatment of Pain. Presented at: Solutions to Common Medical Problems Seen in OB/GYN Practice, Center for Continuing Professional Education at the University of Arizona; April 16, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Patient Who doesn't Get Betterand the Treatment of Depression. Presented at: Solutions to Common Medical Problems Seen in OB/GYN Practice, Center for Continuing Professional Education at the University of Arizona; April 16, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Communicating With the Modern Woman. Presented at: Solutions to Common Medical Problems Seen in OB/GYN Practice, Center for Continuing Professional Education at the University of Arizona; April 15, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Why Primary Care? Presented at: Minnesota Academy of Family Practice; April 12, 2000; St. Paul, Minn. Cassell EJ. At the End of the Day (special lecture to the students). Presented at: University of Minnesota Medical School; April 11, 2000: St Paul Minn. Cassell EJ. The Limits of Autonomy. Presented at: Bioethics Resource Group Annual Meeting; March 30, 2000; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. The Perils of Medical Bureaucracy. Presented at: Medicine and Society Luncheon, Mecklenburg Medical Society; March 30, 2000; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. The Emergence of Subjectivity in Medicine. Presented at: University of North Carolina; March 29, 2000; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Diagnosing Suffering. Presented at: Mission St. Joseph's Hospital; March 29, 2000; Asheville, NC. Cassell EJ. Why We Need Real Doctors. Presented at: Conference on Reclaiming the Soul of Medicine, Augsburg College; March 24, 2000; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. Medicine and Religion. Presented at: Gordon T. Ford Memorial Conference, "Belief and Bioethics," University of Virginia; March 15, 2000; Charlottesville, Va. Cassell EJ. The Nature of the Doctor-Patient Relationship (The Rippel Project on the Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Treatment of Cancer). Presented at: The Hastings Center; February 18, 2000; Garrison, NY. Cassell EJ. The End of the Day (The Jared Goldstein Memorial Lecture). Presented at: Duke University School of Medicine; February 16, 2000; Chapel Hill, NC. Cassell EJ. Diagnosing and Treating Suffering. Presented at: Brookhaven Medical Center; January 27, 2000; Brookhaven, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is Palliative Care? Presented at Pain and Palliative Care Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; January 6, 2000; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Palliative Care by Primary Care Physicians. Presented at: St. Barnabas Medical Center; December 15, 1999; Livingston, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Emergence of Subjectivity in Medicine (The Merrimon Lecture). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine; November 17, 1999; Chapel Hill, NC. Cassell EJ. Improving the Quality and Value of Health Care for Workers Through Focusing on the Person. Presented to: Washington Business Group on Health; October 28, 1999; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Suffering in the Aged. Presented at: Maguire VA Medical Center; October 1, 1999; Richmond, Va. Cassell EJ. Why Do We Fail to Attend to Suffering? Presented at: Richmond Bioethics Consortium; September 30, 1999; Richmond, Va. Cassell EJ. Factors That Affect Caring by Health Professionals. Beyond Medical Care: The Frontiers of Caring. Presented at: University of Florida Health Science Center; September 27, 1999; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Physician's Role in Work Disability Management. Presented to: The Smith Group. September 22, 1999; Portland, Me. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Cloning: The Position of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Presented at: New York Bar Association, Section on Health Law; January 27, 1999; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Capacity Assessment With Sick People. Presented at: National Ethics Conference; November 15, 1998; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Meaning in Medicine. Presented at: Humanities Seminars, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; October 21, 1998; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and Its Relation to Palliative Care. Presented at: The Center for Healthcare Ethics; October 15, 1998; Cincinnati, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Importance of Narrative in Palliative Care. Presented at: The Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Care; September 30, 1998; Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Cassell EJ. Who Are We and What Do We Do? Presented at: The Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine; September 28, 1998; Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Cassell EJ. What Do We Mean by Suffering? Presented at: Conference on the Dimensions of Suffering, Flinders University of South Australia; September 25, 1998; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Impact of Palliative Care on Contemporary Medicine. Presented at: The Mary Potter Hospice; September 24, 1998; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Recognition and Management of Suffering. Presented at: University of Otago, Dunedin School of Medicine; July 23, 1998; Dunedin, NZ. Cassell EJ. The Healing Process. Presented at: Royal New Zealand College of General Practice; July 18, 1998; Queenstown, NZ. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Royal New Zealand College of General Practice; July 16, 1998; Queenstown, NZ. Cassell EJ. Recognition and Management of Suffering. Presented at: The Shallenburger Lecture, Johns Hopkins Hospital; June 16, 1998; Baltimore Md. Cassell EJ. Understanding the Nature of Suffering (Keynote Presentation). Presented at: Eighth Annual Palliative Care Conference; April 27, 1998; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Talking with Patients, Talking with Physicians. Presented at: The Humanities Series, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; February 25, 1998; Baltimore Md. Cassell EJ. The Future of Medical Education: The Power of Ideas. Presented at: David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium, Cornell University Medical College; February 4, 1998; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Disability Management and Patient Advocacy in the Managed Care Environment: Successful Health and Disability Management. Presented at: University of California, San Diego; November 7, 1997; La Jolla, Calif. Cassell EJ. What Do You Have to Know About the Person of the Patient? Presented at: Bayer Institute. October 7, 1997; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Back to the Future: Doctoring and Primary Care in the New Millennium (Frederick Womble Speas Memorial Lecture). Presented at: Davidson College; October 2, 1997; Davidson, NC. Cassell EJ. Medicine and Society. Presented at: Mecklenburg County Medical Society; October 1, 1997; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Pain Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: The Goals of Medicine Project; June 20, 1997; Naples, Italy. Cassell EJ. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Presented at: 18th Annual Health Law Teachers Conference, Seton Hall Law School; June 7, 1997; Newark, NJ. Cassell EJ. How Do We Meet Heightened Patient Expectations? Presented at: Eighth Annual Intermountain Medical Ethics Conference; May 29, 1997; Salt Lake City, Utah. Cassell EJ. Are Patient Expectations High Enough? Presented at: Eighth Annual Intermountain Medical Ethics Conference; May 29, 1997; Salt Lake City, Utah. Cassell EJ. Doctoring. Presented at: Annual Friends of the Library Meeting, Denver Medical Library; May 22, 1997; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. Remaining a Good Doctor: Ethical Issues in the 90s. Presented at: Port Huron Hospital; April 8, 1997; Port Huron, Mich. Cassell EJ, Byock I. Ethical Dilemmas in Daily Hospice Practice. Presented at: Minnesota Hospice Organization; March 7, 1997; Bloomington, Minn. Cassell EJ. Are We Relieving the Suffering of the Dying? Presented at: Fifth Annual Gentle Journey Conference, Health East Hospice Programs; March 6, 1997; Bloomington, Minn. Hadley MJ, Cassell EJ. The History of the Concept of the Unconscious. Presented at: Division 39, The American Psychological Association; February 27, 1997; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Presented at: Governor's Commission on Life and the Law; November 13, 1996; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center; November 13, 1996; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Presented at: NY Citizen's Committee on Health Care Decisions; November 7, 1996; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Future of the Doctor-Payer-Patient Relationship in Managed Care. Presented at: Congress of Clinical Societies, New York Academy of Medicine; October 7, 1996; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Revising the Clinical Method (Master Class). Presented at: 11th International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; September 9, 1996; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Suffering in Patients and Caregivers. Presented at: 18th Annual Human Values Forum Ethics Conference, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge Center; May 22, 1996; Park Ridge, Ill. Cassell EJ. Bridging the Loneliness of Spirit. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Death and Bereavement, Kings College; May 14, 1996; London, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Relief of Pain and Suffering: The Person in the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: The Goals of Medicine: Shaping New Priorities, Joseph A. Grady Memorial Ethics Conference. May 11, 1996. Cassell EJ, Gerber P. The Master Clinician. Presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine; May 3, 1996; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ, Greenberg MS, Prochazka AV. Mastery in Clinical Medicine: The Importance of Storytelling. Presented at: Annual Meeting of American College of Physicians; April 28, 1996: San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ, Cate F, Lambert B (patient), MacDonald R, Nelson L, Pentz R. Controversies in Medicine: Death and Dying. Public Television Roundtable; April 14, 1996; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. Testamentary Capacity in the Sick Patient. Presented at: New York State Bar Association Annual Meeting; January 24, 1996; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. More Thoughts on the Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Hospice and Palliative Care Programs of New York City; November 8, 1995; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: McLean Institutes and Hospice; November 3, 1995; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Hartford Hospital; November 3, 1995; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. Have We Relieved Suffering? Presented at: Eleventh Annual Symposium of the International Hospice Institute; July 15, 1995; Vancouver, BC, Canada. Cassell EJ. Contemporary Issues in Medical Ethics. Presented at: Grand Rounds, North General Hospital; April 19, 1995; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Ohio State University College of Medicine; April 5, 1995; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Ohio Hospice Organization; April 5, 1995; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in the Care of the Elderly and the Chronically Ill. Presented at: University of North Carolina at Charlotte; March 21, 1995; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Suffering in Chronic Illness. Presented at: 1995 Spring Humanities Series, Johns Hopkins University; February 8, 1995; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Distinction Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: New York State Hospice Association; February 3, 1995; Queens, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Israel Palliative Care Association and the Hospice of Tel-Hashomer Hospital; December 28, 1994; Tel Aviv, Israel. Cassell EJ. The Management of Suffering. Presented at: St. Clare's Hospital Symposium on Pain Management; November 28, 1994; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient (The Henry Ecker Lecture). Presented at: Washington Hospital Medical Center; October 26, 1994; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Cookbooks at the Bedside: Practice Guidelines. Presented at: Davidson College; October 14, 1994; Davidson, NC. Cassell EJ. Love and Intimacy in Medicine. Presented at: Fifth International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill. September 21, 1994. Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Fifth International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; September 20, 1994; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Relationship Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center; September 16, 1994; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Commencement Address. Presented at: University of Michigan Medical School; June 10, 1994; Ann Arbor, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering: Implications for Patient Care. Presented at: McGill University Department of Oncology Grand Rounds; May 18, 1994; Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Suffering. Presented at: Jewish General Hospital; May 17, 1994; Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cassell EJ. Physicians, Patients, and Medical Technology: Is Self-Control Possible? Presented at: The Hastings Center 25th Anniversary West Coast Celebration; April 16, 1994; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. The Stress of Caring for the Critically Ill. Presented at: St. Joseph Cardiac and Critical Care Conference; April 8 and 9, 1994; St. Joseph, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center; March 25, 1994; San Antonio, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Sorcerer's Broom: Medicine's Rampant Technology. Presented at: Department of Bioengineering. University of Pennsylvania; March 22, 1994; Philadelphia Pa. Cassell, EJ. Cookbooks at the Bedside: Practice Guidelines. Presented at: University of Southern California and Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics; March 11, 1994; Marina Del Ray, Calif. Cassell EJ. Educating Medical Professionals to Care for Life-Threatened and Dying Patients (Plenary Address). Presented at: The American Institute of Life-Threatening Illness and Loss; February 24, 1994; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. How Working Clinicians Define Their Goals. Presented at: The Goals of Medicine Project, The Hastings Center; December 10, 1993; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician-Patient Relationship in the 90s: Sacred Bond or Business Deal? Presented at: Ethical Issues in Managed Care, Davidson College; September 24, 1993; Davidson, NC. Cassell EJ. The Professional's Response to Pain and Suffering and End-of-Life Dilemmas. Presented at: Hammons Heart Institute, St. Johns Regional Health Center; August 27, 1993; Springfield, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Suffering. Presented at: International Conference on Healing: Beyond Suffering or Death; June 21, 1993; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Sorcerer's Broom: Medicine's Rampant Technology. Presented at: Annual Meeting on the Goals of Medicine, The Hastings Center; June 5, 1993; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Art of Healing. Presented at: International Working Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement, Kings College; May 14, 1993; London, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and Its Implications for Cancer. Presented at: Teaching Day on Cancer Pain, University of Rochester Pain Treatment Center; May 7,1993; Rochester, NY. Cassell EJ. Current Topics in Medical Ethics. Presented at: Catholic Medical Center; April 22, 1993; Jamaica, NY. Cassell EJ. Improving Patient-Physician Relationships: The Nature of Medicine and Implications of the New Realities for the Medical Profession. Presented at: Fifth Annual Canadian Medical Association Leadership Conference; February 26, 1993; Ottawa, Canada. Cassell EJ. On Being a Doctor, 1993. Presented at: St. Joseph Health System; February 19, 1993; Orange, Calif. Cassell EJ. Rethinking Advanced Directives. Presented at: St. Vincent's Medical Center; January 26, 1993; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Dollars, Sense, and Death. Presented at: Politics and the Body: A Symposium, Vanderbilt University; January 23, 1993; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Suffering. Presented at: Politics and the Body: A Symposium, Vanderbilt University; January 22, 1993; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering (The Doctors Kienle Lecture). Presented at: Penn State College of Medicine; January 11, 1993; Hershey, Pa. Cassell EJ. Love and Brutality. Presented at: University of Virginia Medical Center; December 9, 1992; Charlotesville, Va. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: University of Virginia Medical College; December 9, 1992; Charlottesville, Va. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: The First Joel Potash, MD, Lectureship, Syracuse University; December 3, 1992; Syracuse NY. Cassell EJ. Recognizing Suffering. Presented at: Consortium of the Health Care Sciences, Syracuse University; December 3, 1992; Syracuse, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Mt. Auburn Hospital; October 27, 1992; Cambridge, Mass. Cassell EJ. Searching for Solutions: A Dialogue on Disability Management and Health Care Reform (Keynote Panel). Presented at: Sixth Annual National Disability Management Conference; October 26, 1992; Arlington, Va. Cassell EJ. Talking About Choices: Critical Care Interventions for the Frail Elderly. Presented at: St. Vincent's Hospital PRIDE Conference; October 20, 1992; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: University of Kansas Medical Center; October 12, 1992: Kansas City, Kan. Cassell EJ. Pain in the Workplace (Panel ). Presented at: International Association for the Study of Pain, University of Washington; October 9, 1992; Seattle, Wash. Cassell EJ. How Medicine and Theology Learned to Converse (Panel). Presented at: The Birth of Bioethics. September 24, 1992; Seattle, Wash. Cassell EJ. Suffering, Personhood, and the Healer's Art. Presented at: 13th Forum for the Behavioral Sciences in Family Medicine, The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine; September 22, 1992; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Davidson College and The Bioethics Resource Group; September 11, 1992; Charlotte, NC. Cassell EJ. Brutality and Love. Presented at: Spirit in Health Conference, The San Diego Hospice; August 27, 1992: San Diego, Calif. Cassell EJ. Physician and Patient: The Ideal Relationship. Presented at: Center for Clinical and Research Ethics. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Divinity School; July 28, 1992; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. The Nature of SufferingPart I and Part II. Presented at: Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Divinity School; July 28, 1992; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Suffering and Community. Presented at: Symposium on Caring, Coping, and Conquering Cancer, Lutheran Hospital; July 10, 1992; LaCrosse, Wis. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds, The Gundersen Clinic and Lutheran Hospital. July 9, 1992; LaCrosse, Wis. Cassell EJ. To Choose or Refuse TreatmentThe Ethical Basis. Presented at: Saint Luke's Hospital; April 24, 1992; Kansas City, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Barnes Hospital; March 19, 1992; St. Louis, Mo. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Hospital; December 12, 1991; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Place of Aesthetics in Medicine. Presented at: Stony Brook University, School of Medicine; November 26, 1991; Stony Brook, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: Riverside Methodist Hospitals; November 19, 1991; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Fourth Annual Elizabeth Bradford Memorial Lecture, The Hospice at Riverside; November 19, 1991; Columbus Ohio. Cassell EJ. Hope and Healing. Presented at: Riverside Methodist Hospitals; November 18, 1991; Columbus Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Dimension of Suffering in the Rehabilitation of the Cancer Patient. Presented at: Chicago Institute of Rehabilitation; November 8, 1991; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Decisions at the End of Life. Presented at: The Annual Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society Lecture; November 7, 1991; Kansas City, Mo. Cassell EJ. Take a Chance, Be a Pinchgraft for Medicine (The Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture). Presented at: Vanderbilt University College of Medicine; October 10, 1991; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Abuse of the ElderlyAbuse of Power. Presented at: Symposium on Elder Abuse, Northeastern Regional Medical Education Program, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center; September 27, 1991; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Connection Between Caregiver and Patient. Presented at: Victoria Order of Nurses Workshop on Palliative Care; September 18, 1991; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Human SufferingSuffering in the Community. Presented at: Victoria Order of Nurses Annual Meeting; September 17, 1990; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Hospice and Human Suffering. Presented at: International Hospice Institute; July 12, 1991; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The Language of Healing. Presented at: San Francisco Academy of Hypnosis; May 18, 1991; San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ. Suffering in the Aged. Presented at: Symposium on Geriatrics, Akron City Hospital; April 24, 1991; Akron, Ohio. Cassell EJ. The Distinction Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: Karen Horney Clinic; February 21, 1991; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Place of Aesthetics in Medicine (The Friday at Four Lecture). Presented to: Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine; February 8, 1991; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Community. Presented at: The Hastings Center; December 18, 1990; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. Technology Is Not the Problem, Doctors Are (The Rouse Lecture). Presented at: Mayo Clinic. December 13, 1990; Rochester, Minn. Cassell EJ. Suffering in the Aged. Presented at: Symposium on Ethical Issues in the Aging, St.Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Medical Center; November 30, 1990; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician Responsibility to the Hopelessly Ill Patient. Presented at: Trinity Lutheran Hospital; October 4, 1990; Kansas City, Mo. Cassell EJ. Problems of Caring for the Chronically Ill. Presented at: The Woman's Health Symposium at New York Hospital; September 24, 1990; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Medicine and the Law: Who Is in Control? Presented at: Christ Hospital and Medical Center; May 10, 1990; Oak Lawn, Ill. Cassell EJ. Suffering: Its Physical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Aspects. Presented at: Human Suffering: The Invisible Dimension of Illness, The University of Texas Health Science Center; April 29, 1990; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Clinician's Experience. Presented at: The Meyerowitz Memorial Lecture Division of Behavioral and Psychosocial Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester; April 4, 1990: Rochester, NY. Cassell EJ. Hope Is the Enemy (The Annual Philippa Harris Lecture). Presented at: Princess Margaret Cancer Hospital; March 30, 1990; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Second International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients; March 2, 1990; St. Gallen, Switzerland. Cassell EJ. Technology Is Not the Enemy (The LeCocq Lecture). Presented at: Duke University School of Medicine; February 9, 1990; Durham, NC. Cassell EJ. Limits and Meaning at the Bedside. Presented at: Symposium on Aging: Limits and Meaning, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge; November 30, 1989; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Relationship With the Dying Patient (The Ruth M. Shellens Memorial Lecture). Presented at: Calvary Hospital Palliative Care Institute; November 21, 1989; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. There Is No Problem With Technology, Only With Doctors Who Use It. Presented at: Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine; October 26, 1989; Las Vagas, Nev. Cassell EJ. Cognitive Function in the Elderly ("Witness" presentation in mock trial). Presented to: Trusts and Estates Section, New York State Bar Association; October 14, 1989; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in Critical Care. Presented at: Harris Methodist Hospital; October 13, 1989; Fort Worth, Tex. Cassell EJ. What does Medical Ethics Mean to Clinicians. Presented at: Medical Ethics Grand Rounds, Allegheny General Hospital; October 6, 1989; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. Terminating Life Support. Presented at: Grand Rounds, St. Elizabeth Hospital; September 28, 1989; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Communicating With Terminally Ill Patients and Their Families. Presented at: Roundtable of National Hospice Organization; May 20, 1989; Rockville, Md. Cassell EJ. Communicating With the Terminally Ill and Their Families. Presented at: National Hospice Organization; May 19, 1989; Rockville, Md. Cassell EJ. The Clinician's Experience. Presented at: Task Force on Experience as a Source of Bioethics, I.H. Page Center, The Cleveland Clinic. February 10-12 and April 4-9, 1989; Cleveland, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics: Theory and Practice. Presented at: Symposium on Undergraduate Medical Ethics Education, Westminster Institute; March 31, 1989; London, Canada. Cassell EJ. What do Patients Really Want: Collaboration or Paternalism. Presented at: National Health Forum. March 27, 1989; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Massachusetts Medical School; February 9, 1989; Worcester, Mass. Cassell EJ. Persons and Their Bodies. Presented at: Sarah Lawrence College; Bronxville, NY. February 1, 1989. Cassell EJ. Ethics in Medical Education. Presented at: Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; January 26, 1989; San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ. The Medical Profession and AIDS. Presented at: The Master Lecture Series, Ramapo College; November 16, 1988; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Mysterious Doctor-Patient Relationship. Presented at: Center for Bioethics; St. Joseph's Health System; November 4, 1988; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. The Mysterious Doctor-Patient Relationship. Presented at: Ninth Lorin Stephens Memorial Lecture, University of Southern California School of Medicine; November 3, 1988; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. Are Nutrition and Hydration Medical Treatments? Panel Discussion: Seventh International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; October 16, 1988; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Ethics in Everyday Life. Presented at: Seventh International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill; October 15, 1988; Montreal, Canada. Harrington G, Cassell EJ. The Use of Hypnosis in the Treatment of Breast Cancer. Presented at: American Psychological Association; August 12, 1988; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Suffering Versus Pain. Panel Discussion: The Second International Congress on Cancer Pain. July 16, 1988; Rye, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is Suffering? Science and Animals: Addressing Contemporary Issues. Presented at: Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; June 22, 1988; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The History Behind the Story (Hammond Award Address). Presented at: American Medical Writers Association New York Chapter; June 8, 1988; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Commencement Address. Presented at: The School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, State University of New York at Downstate; May 26, 1988; Brooklyn, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician-Patient Communication. Presented at: 30th Annual Scientific Assembly, College of Family Physicians of Canada; May 16, 1988; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. What Is Clinical Medicine? Presented to: Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Kansas School of Medicine; May 12, 1988; Kansas City, Kan. Cassell EJ. Decisions at the End of Life (Keynote Address). Presented at: 75th Anniversary of the Hebrew Home for the Aged, Brown University School of Medicine; May 4, 1988; Providence, RI. Cassell EJ. The Abuse of the Elderly; The Abuse of Power. Presented at: New York State Annual CME Assembly; April 22, 1988; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Ethical Justification of Experiments on Higher Animals. Presented at: Symposium on the Ethics of Animal Experimentation, The Hastings Center; April 21, 1988; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician's Responsibility in the Context of Illness (Keynote Address). Presented at: Upjohn Symposium on a Physician's Social Responsibility; April 4, 1988; Kalamazoo, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Responsibilities of the HIV-Infected Physician: AIDS and the Infected Health Care Worker. Presented at: The Hastings Center; April 1, 1988; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. New Rules for Playing God. Presented at: American Medical Student Association; March 24, 1988; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The Facts of Death. Recorded for: British Broadcasting (BBC) Series Everyman: March 22, 1988. Cassell EJ. The Distinction Between Pain and Suffering. Presented at: Drug Treatment of Cancer Pain in a Drug-Oriented Society: Adequate or Inadequate? MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute; March 16, 1988; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Suffering in Chronic Illness. Presented at: Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds; Roosevelt Hospital; March 2, 1988; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Treatment of Pain in Terminal Illness. Presented at: Hospice Conference, Long Island Jewish Hospital; January 27, 1988; New Hyde Park, NY. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Suffering. Presented at: National Health Council; December 1, 1987; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Pain and Disability. Presented at: American Academy of Pain Medicine; November 6, 1987; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Pain and Suffering (Keynote Address). Presented at: Palliative Care Conference 87, Palliative Care Foundation; October 19, 1987. Cassell EJ. Do Animals Suffer? Presented at: The Hasting Center Program on Animal Suffering. July 28, 1987; Briarcliff Manor, NY. Cassell EJ. The Annual Polachek Memorial Lecture on Behavioral MedicineDoctor-Patient Communication. University of Wisconsin Medical School; October 28, 1986; Milwaukee, Wis. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in Aging. Presented at: 1986 Summer Gerontology Internship Program, Cornell University Medical College; July 23, 1986; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Human Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Second Annual Hospice Care in Terminal Illness Update, sponsored by Georgetown University; July 9, l986; Airlie, Va. Cassell EJ. Quality of Life. Presented at: Zacharias Memorial Lecture, St. Mary's Hospital; May 2, 1986; Richmond, Va. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Medical Grand Rounds, St. Joseph's Hospital; April 23 1986; Milwaukee, Wis. Cassell EJ. Levels of Meaning in Doctor-Patient Communication. Presented at: Milwaukee Internist Club; April 22, 1986; Milwaukee, Wis. Cassell EJ. The Effects of Containment of Physicians' Fees on Patient Access to Medical Care: Presented at: Law-Medicine Health Care Cost Containment Symposium, Case Western Reserve University; April 12, 1986; Cleveland, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Round Table Discussion on Medical Philosophy and Ethics. Presented at: The University of Illinois at Chicago; April 8-9, 1986; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics: End-of-Life Issues. Presented at: Hillel Foundation Conference, University of Chicago, April 6, 1986; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Nature of Suffering. Presented to: First-year class, The University of Kansas School of Medicine; April 2, 1986; Kansas City, Kan. Cassell E J. (Panel Discussant). The Legacy of Karen Ann Quinlan. Conference sponsored by The American College of Physicians, Rutgers Medical School; March 26, 1986; Piscataway, NJ. Cassell EJ. Doctor-Patient Communication and the Theory of Clinical Medicine. Video Interview, Wilfrid Laurier University Telecollege Production; March 25, 1986; New York, NY. Cassell EJ (Visiting Professor). The Place of Aesthetics in Clinical Medicine. Presented at: University of Washington School of Medicine; March 2-5, 1986; Seattle, Wash. Cassell EJ. Levels of Meaning in Doctor-Patient Communication. Presented at: University of South Florida Conference on Communicating With Patients; February 13, 1986; Tampa, Fl. Cassell EJ. Issues Facing the Future of Medical Education. Presented to: Board of Directors of the National Fund for Medical Education; February 9, 1986; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Social Determinants of Illness: Dying as a Favor to Your Friends. Presented to: First-year class, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; February 5, 1986; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. Aesthetics in Medicine, Arts, and Sciences Conference; Daedalus, December 19-20, 1985; Cambridge, Mass. Cassell EJ. Hospice Care: The Art and the Science. Presented at: National Hospice Organization Annual Meeting and Educational Symposium; November 8, 1985; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Pain and Suffering. Presented at: American Pain Society Annual Meeting; October 19, 1985; Dallas, Tex. Cassell EJ. Teaching Ethics to Medical Students. Presented at: Symposium on Ethics and the Professions: An Agenda for the University and the Professional Community, Vanderbilt University; September 21, 1985; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Autonomy, Paternalism, Community. Presented to: The Hospital Captaincy, Clinical Pastoral Education, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; July 25, 1985; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Ethics in Medicine. Presented to: Surgeon's Assistant students, Cornell University Medical College; June 19, 1985; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. How to be an Intern (Commencement Address). Presented at: Medical College of Pennsylvania; May 29, 1985; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. Clinical Issues in Pain and Symptom Management. Presented at: Florida Hospice Conference; May 24, 1985; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering for Terminally Ill Patients and Families. Presented at: Florida Hospice Conference; May 24, 1985; Orlando, Fla. Cassell EJ. Care of the Chronically Acutely Ill Cancer Patient. Presented at: Conference of the Social Service Advisory Committee, American Cancer Society, Philadelphia Division; May 7, 1985; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Place of the Humanities in Medicine. Presented at: The Institute for the Humanities; March 31, 1985; Salado, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: Biology Colloquium, Queens College; March 18, 1985; Flushing Meadows, NY. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool in Medicine. Presented at: State of the Art Lecture Series at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; March 14, 1985; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician-Patient Communication. Presented to: Family Practice Residency Program, The Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens; March 6, 1985; Jamaica, NY. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying: The Stopping of Nutrition. Presented at: General Practice Update Seminar, Metropolitan General Hospital; February 20, 1985; Pinellas Park, Fla. Cassell EJ. What Does the Quality of Life Mean? Presented at: Second Charlotte Johnson Barrett Memorial Lecture, Baylor University Medical Center; February 14, 1985; Dallas, Tex. Cassell EJ. Poverty and Medicine. Presented at: Dean's Lecture Series, Mercy College; February 11, 1985; Dobbs Ferry, NY. Cassell EJ. Integrity: Ethics Under Stress in Medicine. Presented at: Public Programs in Applied Ethics, Fairfield University; February 6, 1985; Fairfield, Conn. Cassell EJ. Dying as a Favor to Your Friends:The Social Determinants of Illness. Presented to: First-year class; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; February 6, 1985; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. "No Code": The Do Not Resuscitate Order. Presented at: Difficult Decisions in Medicine: A Seminar on Making Ethical Choices; The Staten Island Hospital; January 20, 1985; Staten Island, NY. Cassell EJ. Care of the Suffering and Dying. Presented at: Ministering to the Dying, Human Values Forum, Division of Pastoral Care of Lutheran General Hospital; January 17, 1985; Park Ridge, Ill. Cassell EJ. Care of the Suffering and Dying. Presented at: Eleventh Annual Distinguished Lecture Series in Ethics at the University of Illinois; January 16, 1985; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Suffering Patient. Presented at: Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Nassau County Medical Center; December 7, 1984; East Meadow, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician's Responsibility Toward Hopelessly Ill Patients. Presented at: Society for the Right to Die Board of Director's Dinner Meeting, Union League Club; December 5, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Social Determinants of Illness: Dying as a Favor to Your Friends. Presented to: First-year class; Cornell University Medical College; December 5, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Whose Life Is It Anyway? The Right to Die. Case presentation with discussion, sponsored by Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center; November 27, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Suffering and Thanatology: The Patient, Family, Staff, and Community. Presented at: Symposium Sponsored by the Foundation of Thanatology, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons; November 1, 1984; Columbia University, New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Physician-Patient Communication. Presented to: Family Practice Residents at the Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens; October 17, 1984; Jamaica, NY. Cassell EJ. What About Autonomy in the Intensive Care Unit? Presented at: Fifth Annual Colloquium on Our Health: Who Is Responsible? University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; October 13, 1984; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Fifth International Seminar on Terminal Care; October 3, 1984; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. Caring for Cancer Patients. Albert Einstein Medical College; September 30, 1984; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. Health Consequences of Stress and Bereavement. Presented at: The University of Texas Health Science Center; September 19, 1984; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying. Presented at: Medical and Surgical Grand Rounds, New Britain General Hospital; June 19, 1984; New Britain, Conn. Cassell EJ. Autonomy for What? Life as a Work of Art. Presented at: 15th Anniversary Meeting on Autonomy Paternalism Community, The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, The Masters School; June 16, 1984; Dobbs Ferry, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering. Presented at: International Conference on Death: A Problem of Civilization, sponsored by the Societe de Thanatologie; May 17, 1984; Paris, France. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: Medical Ethics Symposium, sponsored by the Booth Memorial Medical Center; May 15, 1984; Flushing, NY. Cassell EJ. Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: Medical Grand Rounds, George Washington University Hospital; May 3, 1984; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Quality of Life is a Personal Decision. Presented at: Conference on Ethics for a Categorical Institution, sponsored by the University of Texas System Cancer Center and the MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute; April 26, 1984; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of the Elderly. Presented at: First Annual Mini Symposium on Treatment Strategies in Geriatrics, sponsored by the Rockland County Department of Health and Hospitals; April 18, 1984; Pomona, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Grand Rounds at Medical College of Pennsylvania; April 12, 1984; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Alpha Omega Alpha Annual Dinner; April 11, 1984; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. Ethics in the Management of the Critically Ill Cancer Patient. Presented at: All Surgeons' Day, a symposium sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the American College of Surgeons; March 17, 1984; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Being a Doctor. Presented to: Bellevue Alumni Association; March 7, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Do Doctors Understand Suffering? Presented at: 21st Annual Conference of the London Medical Group on the Cost of Cancer, Royal College of Surgeons of England; February 25, 1984; London, England. Cassell EJ. Advanced Communication Skills: History Taking; Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Human Values in Medicine Program, Northeastern Ohio Universities, School of Medicine; February 17-18, 1984; Rootstown, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Dying as a Favor for Your Friends: The Social Determinants of Illness. Presented at: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; February 15, 1984; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ (Royal College Lecturer). Pain: The Problems of Healing and Suffering. Presented at: Conference on Pain and the Problem of Human Suffering, Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals; February 9, 1984; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Nature and Relief of Suffering. Presented at: Symposium on Human and Ethical Issues in the Surgical Care of the Patient With Life-Threatening Disease; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center; January 26, 1984; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Visiting Scholar Lecture Series presentations: The Care of the Dying; The Dying Patient; Place of the Humanities in Medicine; The Nature of the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Reason Beyond Autonomy; Power vs Magic in Medicine. Presented at: Center for Ethics, Medicine, and Public Issues, Baylor College of Medicine; December 7-8, 1983; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Medical and Ethical Issues Involved in the Treatment of the Critically Ill. Presented at: Annual Hospital Law Update Conference, sponsored by The Hospital Education and Research Fund; November 9, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Practice vs.Theory in Academic Medicine: The Conflict Between House Officers and Attending Physicians (Video Presentation for MD Report). October 21, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. How Is the Death of Doctor Clark to be Understood? Presented at: Artificial Heart Conference; October 13, 1983; Salt Lake City, Utah. Cassell EJ. Positive Approaches to Living With End-Stage Renal Disease. Presented at: Symposium sponsored by the Foundation of Thanatology; October 6, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Ethics of the Distribution of Scarce Resources. Presented at: 61st Annual Meeting of Illinois Hospital Association; September 22, 1983; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Psychosocial Aspects of Terminal Care: The Suffering of the Patient, the Family, the Staff. Presented at: Symposium on Dying and Death: The Role of the Financial and Estate Planner, Foundation of Thanatology, September 20, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: Country Practice Conference, Hungerford Hill, Hunter Valley; August 30, 1983; New South Wales, Australia. Cassell EJ. Power vs. Magic in Medicine. Presented at: Country Practice Conference, Hungerford Hill, Hunter Valley; August 28, 1983; New South Wales, Australia. Cassell EJ. Cost Benefit Analysis of Joint Replacement Surgery. Presented at: Faculty of Medicine Centenary Program, University of Sydney; August 23, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Advanced Clinical Skills for General Practitioners. Workshop series presented to: New South Wales Faculty, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; August 20, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Observing Change in Patients. Presented at: New South Wales Faculty Annual General Meeting, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; August 19, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Role of the Humanities in Medicine. Presented at: University of New South Wales Seminar on Humanities in Medicine; August 18, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Art of Healing. Presented at: Coast Hospital Reunion Symposium: Healing and Medicine; August 16, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Advanced Clinical Skills for Experienced Practitioners. Presented at: Training School, Orange Base Hospital; August 13-14, 1983; Orange, Australia. Cassell EJ. Cost Containment in Medicine: The Ethics of Rationing Health Care. Presented at: Department of Community Medicine, University of Sydney; August 12, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented to: Wollongong SubFaculty, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; August 8, 1983; Sydney, Australia. Cassell EJ. Scientific, Social, and Legal Implications of Air Pollution. Presented at: Seminar on Cost Containment in Medicine: The Ethics of Rationing Health Care, The University of Newcastle; August 4, 1983; New South Wales, Australia. Cassell EJ. Helping the Dying to Live. Workshop presentation to: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Woden Valley Hospital; July 30, 1983; Woden, Australia. Cassell EJ. Language as a Tool in Medicine. Presented to: Royal Canberra Hospital Physicians; July 29, l983; Canberra, Australia. Cassell EJ. Cost Containment in Medicine. Presented to: Royal Canberra Hospital Surgeons; July 29, 1983; Canberra, Australia. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Healing. Presented at: Royal Canberra Hospital; July 29, l983; Canberra, Australia. Cassell EJ. Ethical Issues in the Care of the Dying. Presented at: Workshop on Ethical Issues in the Health Professions and the Biomedical Sciences, The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, Vassar College; June 21, 1983; Poughkeepsie, NY. Cassell EJ. The Healer's Art Revisited. Presented at: Northeast Regional Conference of the Society for Health and Human Values, Northeastern University, College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions; April 22, 1983; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Cancer and Communication: Bridging the Gap. Presented to: Philadelphia Division of the American Cancer Society; March 31, 1983; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. Moral Problems in Terminal Illness (Case Presentation). Presented at: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, March 16, 1983; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. Conflict in Medicine: Theory Versus Experience in Medical Education. Presented at: Tenth Symposium on Medical Education, The New York Academy of Medicine; March 10, 1983; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Caring for the Suffering Patient. Presented at: Second Annual Medical Humanities Conference, University of Massachusetts Medical School; March 2, 1983; Worcester, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Meaning of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: Medical Ethics and Jurisprudence Course, McGill University School of Medicine; February 10, 1983; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. The Physician Speaks: Words That Heal or Harm. Presented at: Clinical Colloquies, Reflections on the Art and Science of Medicine, Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine; January 19, 1983; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ (First Sister Margaret James Lecturer). The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine. Presented at: St. Agnes Hospital; September 27, 1982; Baltimore, Md. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Ends of Medicine. Presented at: Penn State University; April 29-30, 1981; University Park, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Suffering and the Ends of Medicine. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; April 23-24, 1981; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Meaningful Connections. Presented at: University of Pittsburgh; April 8 -9, 1981; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. What Is the Future of Medicine? Presented at: Howard University; April 6, 1981; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics (Lecture Series). Presented at: School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University; March 30, 1981; Nashville, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Nazareth College of Rochester; March 25-26, 1981; Rochester, NY. Cassell EJ. The Moral Regulation of Medicine. University of Connecticut School of Medicine; February 18, 1981; Farmington, Conn. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; February 6, 1981; Newark, NJ. Cassell EJ. How to Talk to Patients. Presented at: Arthur R. Gould Memorial Hospital; January 19, 1981; Presque Isle, Me. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: Yale University School of Medicine; December 10, 1980; New Haven, Conn. Cassell EJ, Engelhardt HT Jr. Preserving the Patient's Personhood: A Clinical Perspective on Morality in the Practice of Medicine (Moral Implications for Patient Care). Presented at: Texas University Health Sciences Center; November 7-8, 1980; Lubbock, Tex. Cassell EJ. How to Talk With the Patient Having Cancer: Information as a Therapeutic Tool in the Care of Cancer Patients. Presented to: American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists; October 25-26, 1980; Dallas, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presentation for: NBC TV's "The First Estate"; May 22, 1980; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Medical Ethics. Annual Alpha Omega Alpha Guest Lecture, Washington University Medical Center; May 8, 1980; St. Louis, Mo. Cassell EJ. Issues in Management of the Terminally Ill Patient. Presented to: Primary care physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and social workers, Manhattan Health Plan; May 6, 1980; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Commentary on Homosexuality for Closure Project on Scientific Disputes. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; April 25, 1980; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ (Visiting Lecturer). University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine and Department of History and Philosophy of Science; April 9-10, 1980; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Refusal to Sterilize Was Not Paternalistic. Presented at: Fifth Conference on Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine, University of Michigan; March 29, 1980; Ann Arbor, Mich. Cassell EJ. Psychosocial Aspects in the Care of Cancer Patients. Presented at: North Central Regional Medical Education Center, University of Minnesota; March 19-21,1980. Cassell EJ. Talking with Patients. Presented at: Advances in Medicine Series Meeting, Bergen Pines County Hospital; March 12, 1980; Paramus, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Notion of Person in Medicine. Presented at: Grand Rounds of The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Westchester Division; February 29, 1980; White Plains, NY. Cassell EJ. Workshop presentation at the Conference on Preparing for Work: What Ought to be Learned? Sponsored by the Bard Center, Bard College; February 13, 1980; Annendale on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Illness vs. Disease. Presented at: 1980 Medical Students Symposium on the Medical Mosaic Health Care in a Changing World, sponsored by McMaster University Medical Student Society; January 18-19, 1980; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cassell EJ. Consultation on the Hospice Movement. Presented at: Arthur Vining Davis Foundation; January 10-11, 1980; Miami, Fla. Cassell EJ. The Uses of Subjective Information in Clinical Patient Care. Presented at: EVISTNSF Conference on Changing Values in Medicine, sponsored by Cornell University Medical College; November 11-13, 1979; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Research in Progress on the Topic of Doctor-Patient Communication. Presented to: Department of Medicine, The New Hospital Cornell Medical Center; October 1979; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. Participant in the Ethics of Clinical Investigation Symposium sponsored by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; October 26, 1979; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Faith and Agnosticism in the Care of Terminal Patients. Presented at: Symposium on Care of the Terminally Ill, Presbyterian Hospital Center; October 13, 1979; Albuquerque, NM. Cassell EJ. What Are the Functions of Information in a Patient Care Setting? Presented at: Symposium on Care of the Terminally Ill, Presbyterian Hospital Center; October 13, 1979; Albuquerque, NM. Cassell EJ. The Meaning(s) of Health and Disease. Presented at: Williams College; July 11, 1979; Williamstown, Mass. Cassell EJ. Commentary on Laetrile. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; June 15-16, 1979; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: Conference on Communication and Compliance in a Hospital Setting, West Virginia University; April 20-21, 1979; Morgantown, WV. Cassell EJ. Information as a Therapeutic Tool. Presented at: University of Massachusetts Medical School; April 17, l979; Worcester, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Subjective in Medicine. Presented to: First-year class on Patient Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; April 4, 1979; Pittsburgh, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Confidentiality. Presented at: Conference on Ethics and Clinical Diagnosis, the Ninth Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine; March 21-23, 1979; Madrid, Spain. Cassell EJ. Convocation Address. Delivered to: Graduating Class of the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine; March 9, 1979; East Lansing, Mich. Cassell EJ. Middle Age and the Impact of Cancer. Presented at: 1979 Winter Symposium on Patients Distress: The Critical Challenge, Louisiana State University School of Medicine; March 2-3, 1979; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. Reactions to Physical Illness and Hospitalization. Presented at: The Ochsner Clinic; March 2, 1979; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ (Panel Member) Better Health Through Changing Lifestyles? Presented at: Symposium on Health Care, Cornell University; February 10, 1979; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. Presentation for Seminar on Medicine and Philosophy at Ramapo College; January 1979; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. The Function of Medicine: Physician Responsibility. Presented at: Frontiers of Medicine Conference on Decision Making in Critical Ilness: Patient Choice and Physician Responsibility, The University of Chicago, The Pritzker School of Medicine; January 10, 1979; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Suffering, Society, and the Medical Profession. Presented at: Morning Master Lectures, Ramapo College; December 6, 1978; Mahwah, NJ. Cassell EJ. Lies, Placebos, and Paternalism. Presented at: Medical Ethics Series, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; November 28, 1978; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Subjective in Medicine. Presented at: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; November 15, 1978; Princeton, NJ. Cassell EJ. Telling the Truth to the Dying Patient. Presented at: General Medical Conference, Lenox Hill Hospital; November 15, 1978; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Communicating Diagnosis and Prognosis With the Patient and Family. Presented at: Second International Seminar on Terminal Care; November 2-4, 1978; Montreal, Canada. Cassell EJ. What Is the Future of Medicine? Presented at: Distinguished Visiting Medical Scholars Program at the Institute of Religion and Baylor College of Medicine; October 31-November 1, 1978; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. The Notion of Person in Medicine. Presented at: Fall Faculty Seminars, Michigan State University Medical Humanities Program; October 17, 1978; East Lansing, Mich. Cassell EJ. Subjectivity in Medicine. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; September 27, 1978; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ (Panel Member). Legal Competency of the Sick. Presented at: Appellate Judges' Seminar, American Bar Association; May 30-June 1, 1978; Williamsburg, Va. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: Grand Rounds to the Medical Staff of the Nassau County Medical Center; April 13, 1978; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Ethics and University Research. Presented at: Community Symposium, Cornell University; February 11, 1978; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. The Doctor-Patient Relationship. Presented to: Science Writers Association; January 31, 1978; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Illness and the Family. Presented at: 23rd Annual Conference, National Council on Philanthropy; December 8, 1977; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented to: Medical Staff of the Hennepin County Medical Center; November 18, 1977; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. What Is the Function of Medicine? Presented to: Thanatology Committee, Hennepin County Medical Center; November 17, 1977; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. Science and Medicine. Presented at: Symposium on Values and Morals in Modern Life, University of Manitoba; October 18, 1977; Winnipeg, Canada. Cassell EJ. Doctor-Patient Relationships in the Care of the Dying. Presented at: Symposium on Stress, Cancer, and Death at the International Institute of Stress; August 1977; Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cassell EJ. Moral Problems in Day-to-Day Medical Practice. Presented to: Medical Staff at St. Barnabas Hospital; July 13, 1977; Bronx, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: Frederick Cancer Research Center; April 1977; Frederick, Md. Cassell EJ. The Subjective in Clinical Judgment. Presented at: Fifth Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, University of California; April 1977; Los Angeles, Calif. Cassell EJ. Psychiatry: What Do You Want from Medicine? Presented at: Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Northern Professors of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; April 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ (Discussion Leader). The Allocation of Life Support Systems. Presented at: Conference on Institutional Practices and Medical Ethics, Mount Sinai Medical School and Medical Center; March 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Euthanasia. Presented to: Greater New York Medical Record Association, Inc, at the New York Academy of Medicine; March 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Healer's Art. Presented at: Seminar on Ethical, Moral, Legal Questions in Health Care, Mercy Consulting and Recourse Center, The Sisters of Mercy; March 1977; Anaheim, Calif. Cassell EJ. In Vitro Fertilization. Presented to: Journal Club, Department of Public Health, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; March 1977; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is the Function of Medicine? Presented at: American Academy for the Advancement of Science; February 24-25, 1977; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. The Place of the "I" in Ethical Decision Making. Presented at: The Foundation of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science, The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; February 18-20, 1977; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. What Is the Function of Medicine? Presented at: University of California, Irvine College of Medicine; January 24-26, 1977; Irvine, Calif. Cassell EJ. Fact and Value. Presented at: Annual Meeting of The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; January 7-8, 1977; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. Causality and Health: The Multiplex Variable. Presented at: Hunter College; November 24 and 30, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Patient's Autonomy in Medicine. Presented at: King's College; November 17, 1976; Wilkes Barre, Pa. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: Bergen Pines Hospital; November 3, 1976; Paramus, NJ. Cassell EJ. What Brought You to the Hospital? An Analysis of Intent in Language, New Ways of Analyzing Variations in English. Presented at: Georgetown University; October 29, 1976; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Language in Medicine. Presented at: Aspen Biosciences Seminar; October 6-8, 1976; Aspen, Colo. Cassell EJ. Interviewing the Hypertensive Patient. Presented at: LyingIn Hosptal; September 27, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Aspects of Euthanasia. Presented at: Comite International de la Conference Mondiale sur la Mort of the Societe Thanatologie; September 28, 1976; Versailles, France. Cassell EJ. Hypertension as a Disease Model. Presented to: National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects; June 23-26, 1976; Albuquerque, NM. Cassell EJ. The Patient's Right to Refuse Treatment. Presented at: New York Academy of Medicine; June 9, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Ethics of Caring for Cancer Patients. Presented at: Albert Einstein Medical College; June 8, 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Error in Medicine. Presented at: Foundation of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science of The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; June 1976; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented at: New York Academy of Medicine; June 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Death and Dying. Presented at: College of Community and Allied Health Professionals; April 1976; Memphis, Tenn. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented at: 17th Annual Columbia Law Symposium. April 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented at: Northeast Undergraduate Conference on Bioethics; April 1976; Amherst, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Right to Die. Presented to: Committee on Medicine and Law of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York; April 1976; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Paternalistic Behavior in Medical Care. Presented at: Seventh Annual Meeting of the Philosophical Association; April 1976; Amherst, Mass. Cassell EJ. The Uses and Function of Language in Medicine. Presented at: Cornell University Program on Science, Technology, and Society; March 1976; Ithaca, NY. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying. Presented at: University of Connecticut Health Center; March 1976; Farmington, Conn. Cassell EJ. The Uses and Function of Language in Medicine. Presented to: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; January 1976; Princeton, NJ. Cassell EJ. Medical Aspects of Letting Die. Presented at: Symposium sponsored by the Medical Education Committee and the Pastoral Care Department of Mercy Hospital; December 1975; Rockville Center, NY. Cassell EJ. Moral Thought in Clinical Practice. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; June 20, 1975; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. The Physician's View of Exercise Stress Testing. Presented at: Regional Symposium on Exercise Stress Testing and Prescription; East Stroudsburg State College, Human Performance Laboratory; May 16, 1975; East Stroudsburg, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Multiplex Variable. Ecology of Health Course Lecture, Hunter College; April 23, 1975; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Disease as an "It." Presented at: 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology; March 19, 1975; The Netherlands. Cassell EJ. Death as a Mirror of Medicine. Presented at: Loyola University; March 13, 1975; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. The Social Environment of Science. Presented at: Master Lecture Series, Ramapo College; March 12, 1975; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. Medicine as a Moral Profession. Presented at: Ramapo College; March 12, 1975; Ramapo, NJ. Cassell EJ. Moral Thought in Clinical Practice. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; February 22, 1975; Hastings, NY. Cassell EJ. Dying and Technological Society. Presented at: Center for Health Sciences, University of Tennessee; January 21, 1975; Memphis, Tenn. Cassell EJ. Death and Dying. Presented at: Hastings High School; December 11, 1974; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ. The Nature of Thought in Medicine. Presented at: University of Kansas Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics; November 8, 1974; Topeka, Kan. Cassell EJ. The Care of the Dying Patient. Presented at: 1974-1975 Series of the President's Seminars at the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; October 30, 1974; Newark, NJ. Cassell EJ. Ethical Considerations in the Care of the Critically Ill. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists; October 12, 1974; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. Making and Escaping Moral Decisions. Presented at: Fourth Annual Medical Lecture Series, Loyola University College of Medicine; October 8, 1974; Chicago, Ill. Cassell EJ. Forum on Air and Noise Pollution. Presented at: Department of Air Resources, City of New York; September 28, 1974; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Nondisease Criteria of Response in Treatment of Cancer Patients. Presented at: Symposium on Criteria of Response to Therapy, Cancer Clinical Investigation Review Committee, National Institutes of Health; January 24, 1972; Atlanta, Ga. Cassell EJ. On Educational Changes for the Field of Aging. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Gerontological Association; October 30, 1971; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution and Health: A New Look at a Complex Problem. Presented at: Seventh Annual Symposium on Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease, Action for Clean Air; October 28, 1971; Brooklyn, NY. Cassell EJ (Panel Member). Choices on Our Conscience: How Should We Care? Symposium at Kennedy Foundation for Mental Retardation; October 16, 1971; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ, Lebowitz M, McCarroll JR. The Relationship Between Air Pollution, Weather, and Symptoms in an Urban Population: Clarification of Conflicting Findings. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; October 12, 1971; Minneapolis, Minn. Cassell EJ. The Process of Social Change: Environmental Movements. Presented at: Wayne State School of Medicine Alumni Association; May 12, 1971; Detroit, Mich. Cassell EJ. The Environment as a Social Cause. Presented at: Ohio State Medical Association; May 11, 1971; Columbus, Ohio. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution and Human Health. Presented at: North Dakota State Medical Association; April 30, 1971; Bismark, ND. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution and Health: A New Look at a Complex Problem. Presented at: Connecticut Thoracic Society; April 21, 1971; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. Historical Perspectives of Health Care Systems. Presented at: New York Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association; March 30, 1971; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. On Death and Dying. Presented at: The Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences; January 1971; Hastings on Hudson, NY. Cassell EJ et al. Health and the Urban Environment IX: The Concept of the Multiplex Variable. Presented at: 98th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; October 27, 1970; Houston; Tex. Cassell EJ. The Environment as a Social Cause: 1845 and 1970. Presented at: Air Pollution Medical Research Conference; October 5, 1970; New Orleans, La. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution: Effects on Animals and Man. Presented at: Manhattanville College; April 22, 1970; Purchase, NY. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution: Effects on Animals and Man. Presented at: Westchester Community College; April 22, 1970; White Plains, NY. Cassell EJ. The Evolving Picture of the Human Response to Air Pollution. Presented at: Rice University; March 30, 1970; Houston, Tex. Cassell EJ. Health Effects of Air Pollution. Presented at: Westchester Branch of RESA (Scientific Research Society of America); March 10, 1970; Westchester, NY. Cassell EJ. Effects of Weather and Air Pollution on an Urban Population. Presented at: Medical Society of the State of New York Convention; February 8, 1970; New York, NY. Cassell EJ (Panel Member). The Choking Air. Presented at: Washington Square Methodist Church; December 1969; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Health: A Right or a Privilege? Presented at: Connecticut Clean Air Conference; November 20, 1969; Hartford, Conn. Cassell EJ. Ambient Air Standards. Presented at: Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association; June 23, 1969; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Health Effects of Air Pollution. Research Project, Channel 4, National Broadcasting Company; May 11, l969; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. The Effect of Air Pollution on the Burden of Illness in a New York Population. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences; April 21, 1969; Anaheim, Calif. Cassell EJ. Air Pollution: The Relationship Between Health Effects and Control Philosophy. Presented at: First Annual International GeoScience Electronics Symposium; April 17, 1969; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ, Mountain I, Thompson D, Lebowitz M, Wolter D, McCarroll J. Differences Between the Response to Air Pollution of Adults and Children in a Normal Urban Population. Presented at: Ninth Annual Air Pollution Medical Research Conference; July 22, 1968; Denver, Colo. Cassell EJ. The Relationship Between the Biology of Air Pollution and Air Quality Standards: Are We Ready for Ambient Air Quality Standards? Presented at: Annual Meeting of Air Pollution Control Association; June 24, 1968; St. Paul, Minn. Cassell EJ, Lebowitz M, Thompson D, Wolter D, McCarroll J. The Burden of Minor Illness in a Healthy Population. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research; May 10, 1968; Washington, DC. Cassell EJ. The Right to a Clean Environment. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Tuberculosis and Health Society; April 26, 1968; Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell EJ. The Sanitary Reawakening. Presented at: Meeting of the Massachusetts Tuberculosis and Health Association; November 30, 1967; Boston, Mass. Cassell EJ. Implications of Air Pollution for Voluntary Organizations. Presented at: National Tuberculosis Association Session; January 27, 1967; New York, NY. Cassell EJ, Mountain JD, Diamond JR, Wolter DW, McCarroll JR. Prospect a Link With Your Data. Presented at: 94th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Assoication; November 3, 1966; San Francisco, Calif. Cassell EJ. Epidemiology of Air Pollution in Urban Populatations. Presented at: Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease: A Progress Report, St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center of New York; October 28, l966; New York, NY. Cassell EJ. Meaning for Control Legislation of Research on the Effects of Air Pollution on Urban Population. Presented at: Summer Conference on the Demands of Pollution Control Legislation, Fairleigh Dickinson University; August 22, 1966; Madison, NJ. |